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  1. His first name, Abraham, is a Biblical name, meaning “father of many” or “father of a nation” in Hebrew. In the Bible, Abraham is the founder and descent of the Jews, and Van Helsing is depicted as a father or patriarch of a group of young people who work together to hunt Count Dracula. Like his Biblical figure namesake, Van Helsing ...

  2. 14 mag 2024 · Dracula is a 1931 American film about the ancient Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula, his voyage to England and his hunting by legendary monster hunter Abraham Van Helsing. Directed by Tod Browning. Written by Garrett Fort, based on the novel by Bram Stoker and the play by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston.

  3. Abraham van Helsing deserves special mention, being the one who Alucard has nightmares about, and if his dream is accurate, the man wasn't even winded when he put the stake through the Count's heart. No wonder he's loyal to Abraham's family, or at least the ones who show his willpower.

  4. Il professor Abraham van Helsing è un personaggio di fantasia protagonista del romanzo Dracula (1897) di Bram Stoker. Di origine olandese, Van Helsing rappresenta l'antagonista di Dracula e dichiara una guerra senza quartiere al vampiro e ai suoi adepti. In tale veste il personaggio di Van Helsing compare in quasi quaranta opere cinematografiche o televisive ispirate più o meno direttamente ...

  5. Professor dokter Abraham van Helsing is de leermeester van dr. John Seward die, wanneer zijn vriendin Lucy ziek wordt, zijn hulp inroept. Van Helsing herkent Lucy’s ziekte meteen als het gevolg van een vampierbeet, maar houdt zijn constatering voor zich. Hij past bloedtransfusies toe en haalt speciale bloemen uit Haarlem, knoflook.

  6. Neben der Ableitung des Namens von Stokers Figur Abraham van Helsing, ist auch die Figur Alucard aus dem Manga vom Roman entliehen. Alucard – was rückwärts gelesen Dracula ergibt – ist ebenfalls ein Vampir. Außerdem wird im Manga ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Roman Dracula und der Hintergrundgeschichte Alucards hergestellt.

  7. Abraham Van Helsing was a hematologist who became a vampire hunter after his wife became a vampire. Van Helsing killed her by cutting off her head and driving a stake through her heart. Through his extensive studies on vampires he discovered that vampiric saliva contains an agent which prevents blood clotting, making it easier for them to feed. He named this phenomenon "Hannah's wink" in honor ...