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  1. 5 giorni fa · Theodor Adorno is often portrayed as a totalizing negativist, a scowling contrarian who looked upon modern society with despair. Peter E. Gordon thinks we have this wrong: if Adorno is uncompromising in his critique, it is because he sees in modernity an unfulfilled possibility of human flourishing.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Ragionamento simile a quello di Theodor W. Adorno: “Forse lo schema sociale della percezione presso gli antisemiti è fatto in modo che essi non vedono gli ebrei come uomini. L’affermazione ricorrente che i selvaggi, i negri, i giapponesi, somigliano ad animali, o a scimmie, contiene già la chiave del pogrom.

  3. 3 giorni fa · Mike Watson. The Frankfurt School, a group of theorists who grappled with the defeat of Europe's revolutionary left, are often misunderstood. Critics charge them with obscurantism and elitism. They argued that, on the contrary, it was capitalism that obfuscated reality. Herbert Marcuse, professor of philosophy at the University of California at ...

  4. 21 giu 2024 · Theodor W. Adorno ist vor 50 Jahren gestorben. Der Philosoph, Soziologe, Musikphilosoph und Komponist war unter anderem bekannt für seine Musiktheorien und seine Kapitalismuskritik.

  5. 4 giorni fa · Finally, “late style”—a concept associated with Theodor W. Adorno and Edward W. Said—has become an influential way of characterizing works of artistic maturity written as the author approaches old age and death (though it is certainly not limited to biological maturity). It is a style in which form and subjectivity become torn from one ...

  6. 3 giorni fa · La obra «Dialéctica Negativa» de Theodor Adorno ofrece una crítica incisiva a la filosofía tradicional, desafiando la tendencia a la totalización y reificación del pensamiento. Adorno, marcado por las atrocidades del nazismo, rechaza las promesas de progreso que llevaron a la barbarie, proponiendo en cambio una dialéctica que expone contradicciones en lugar de buscar síntesis. […]

  7. 4 giorni fa · On pourra trouver des bouts de réponses dans un texte de Theodor W. Adorno récemment redécouvert, Le Nouvel Extrémisme de droite (trad. Climats, 2019), qui tombe à point nommé. Il s’agit d’une conférence que le philosophe donna à Vienne en 1967, au moment où le NPD allemand, fondé quatre ans plus tôt par d’anciens nazis, avait le vent en poupe.