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  1. Daniel Berrigan und einige andere Mitglieder der Pflugscharbewegung drangen am 9. September 1980 in eine Atomwaffenfabrik der General Electric in King of Prussia ein. Sie zerstörten zwei Sprengkopfhülsen mit Hämmern, sie gossen Blut, das sie sich zuvor selbst abgezapft hatten, auf Werkzeichnungen und Werkzeuge.

  2. Daniel Berrigan (Virginia, Minesota, 9 de mayo de 1921-Nueva York, 30 de abril de 2016) [1] fue un sacerdote católico, activista por la paz y poeta estadounidense. Al igual que su hermano Philip , estuvo en la lista de los diez fugitivos más buscados del FBI por causa de su participación en las protestas civiles contra la guerra de Vietnam .

  3. 3 mag 2016 · This is FRESH AIR. We're going to listen back to an excerpt of my interview with Daniel Berrigan. He died Sunday at the age of 94. He was Jesuit priest, political activist and a leading figure in ...

  4. 6 mag 2016 · May 5, 2016. On his last day alive, the Rev. Daniel J. Berrigan wore pajama bottoms that had belonged to an older brother who died last year. In Father Berrigan’s closet was a thin navy blue ...

  5. 26 ago 2021 · Daniel Berrigan nasce il 9 maggio 1921 a Virginia, nello stato del Minnesota. Nel 1939, appena diciottenne, entra nella Compagnia di Gesù. Viene ordinato sacerdote nel 1952 e cinque anni dopo è a Syracuse, nello stato di New York, per insegnare il Nuovo Testamento agli studenti del Collegio Le Moyne.

  6. Daniel Berrigan, né le à Virginia, au Minnesota ( États-Unis ), et mort le 30 avril 2016 (à 94 ans) dans le Bronx ( New York ), est un prêtre jésuite américain, théologien, poète et militant pacifiste. Les actions pacifiques à haute charge symbolique qu’il organisa avec son frère Philip et d’autres font qu’il fut pendant un ...

  7. Daniel Berrigan. 1921–2016. Born in Virginia, Minnesota, poet, Jesuit priest, and peace activist Daniel Berrigan earned a BA at the St. Andrew-on-Hudson and an MA at Woodstock College. With his brother Philip, also a priest, Father Berrigan publicly protested U.S. policy in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. He was one of the Catonsville ...