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  1. › wiki › SvizzeraSvizzera - Wikipedia

    La Svizzera (in tedesco Schweiz, in francese Suisse, in romancio Svizra), ufficialmente Confederazione Svizzera (in tedesco Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, in francese Confédération suisse, in romancio Confederaziun svizra) o Confederazione Elvetica (in latino Confœderatio Helvetica, abbreviata con l'acronimo CH), è uno Stato ...

  2. › wiki › SchweizSchweiz – Wikipedia

    Die Schweiz, amtlich Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, ist ein föderalistischer, demokratischer Staat in Mitteleuropa. Er grenzt im Norden an Deutschland, im Osten an Österreich und Liechtenstein, im Süden an Italien und im Westen an Frankreich. In der Schweiz leben 8,96 Millionen Menschen auf knapp 41'300 Quadrat­kilometern. Der Staat ...

  3. › wiki › SwitzerlandSwitzerland - Wikipedia

    Switzerland is the birthplace of the Red Cross and hosts the headquarters or offices of most major international institutions, including the WTO, the WHO, the ILO, FIFA, and the UN.

  4. La Svizzera (in tedesco Schweiz, in francese Suisse, in romancio Svizra) è uno stato dell'Europa centrale. Confina a nord con la Germania, ad est con il Liechtenstein e l'Austria, a sud con l'Italia, ad ovest con la Francia.

  5. 30 giu 2024 · Switzerland, federated country of central Europe. Switzerland’s administrative capital is Bern, while Lausanne serves as its judicial center. Switzerland’s small size—its total area is about half that of Scotland—and its modest population give little indication of its international significance.

  6. Switzerland is a federal republic composed of 26 cantons, with federal authorities based in Bern . Switzerland is one of the world's most developed countries, with the highest nominal wealth per adult and the eighth-highest gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.

  7. The economy of Switzerland has ranked first in the world since 2015 on the Global Innovation Index [22] [23] and third in the 2020 Global Competitiveness Report. [24] [25] According to United Nations data for 2016, Switzerland is the third richest landlocked country in the world after Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.