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  1. › wiki › LovageLovage - Wikipedia

    Lovage ( / ˈlʌvɪdʒ / ), Levisticum officinale, is a tall perennial plant, the sole species in the genus Levisticum in the family Apiaceae, subfamily Apioideae. [1] [2] It has been long cultivated in Europe, the leaves used as a herb, the roots as a vegetable, and the seeds as a spice, especially in southern European cuisine.

  2. 8 mar 2021 · Growing lovage usually means an ample harvest, and all parts of the plant are tasty and edible. The leaves are treated as an herb and used to flavor soups, salads, sauces, and veggies. The stems and roots can be boiled or sautéed as a vegetable, while the fragrant seeds are used as a spice.

  3. Era anche utile come diuretico, per trattare i calcoli renali e come purificatore del sangue. Era tradizionalmente usato per curare la gotta, i reumatismi e i problemi della pelle. I rimedi alle erbe Lovage risalgono al 12 ° secolo e furono una terapia importante nella scuola medievale di Salerno.

  4. › wiki › LovageLovage - Wikipedia

    Lovage. I Lovage sono stati un progetto musicale diretto dal produttore musicale statunitense Dan the Automator, [1] sotto il pseudonimo di "Nathaniel Merriweather" (un soprannome dato ad esso per il progetto Handsome Boy Modeling School ). [2] L'unico album prodotto da questo progetto si intitola Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By, dove ...

  5. 🌱 Lovage (levisticum officinale). Il lovage è una pianta aromatica speziata che predilige posizioni soleggiate e terreni sciolti, umidi, ricchi di humus e profondi. Adatto come una singola pianta, tu...

  6. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is a unique herb with no distinct varieties like you might find with some fruits or veggies. However, the plant can differ depending on things like how it’s grown, the climate, and the conditions it’s grown in.

  7. 7 giu 2021 · Lovage is a hugely flavorful, herbaceous plant that's popular in various European cuisines. Here's everything you need to know about lovage and how to cook with it.