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  1. Harriet Adams. Harriet Stratemeyer Adams (December 12, 1892 – March 27, 1982) was an American juvenile book packager, children's novelist, and publisher who was responsible for some 200 books over her literary career. She wrote the plot outlines for many books in the Nancy Drew series, using characters invented by her father, Edward Stratemeyer.

  2. Harriet Chalmers Adams è stata la prima fotoreporter del National Geographic e con i suoi viaggi ha percorso un totale di 160 mila chilometri, quattro volte il giro della Terra. È stata una...

  3. Nata nel 1875 in California, Harriet Chalmers Adams è stata un’esploratrice e una fotografa americana. In un periodo storico in cui alle donne non era concesso molto, visitò il Sud America, l’Asia e il Pacifico, raccontando le sue avventure per il National Geographic.

  4. 16 mar 2020 · Harriet Chalmers Adams was an intrepid turn-of-the-century journalist and explorer. She spent her life traveling through some of the world's most remote places and promoting fellow female...

  5. October 22, 1875. Harriet Chalmers Adams was a leading American explorer, journalist, and geographer who traveled over 100,000 miles (160,000 km) in South America. Her expertise on Latin America was valued by private industry, the government as well as academia.

  6. 19 nov 2016 · Oggi ricordiamo Harriet Adams come la prima donna a viaggiare via terra dal Rio delle Amazzoni alla Guyana francese e a scalare il vulcano El Misti, in Perù. Fu anche tra le pochissime giornaliste a seguire la Prima guerra mondiale, trascorrendo tre mesi nelle trincee francesi.

  7. Harriet Chalmers Adams (October 22, 1875 – July 17, 1937 [1]) was an American explorer, writer and photographer. She traveled extensively in South America, Asia and the South Pacific in the early 20th century, and published accounts of her journeys in National Geographic magazine.