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  1. 30 gen 2024 · When someone asks youWhere have you been? “, keep the answer brief and polite. You can say, “Not much has been happening,” or “Nothing special,” to acknowledge the question without giving too much detail. Alternatively, you can reply, “Not much is going on with me, but thanks for asking.

    • Cos’È IL Present Perfect Continuous?
    • Come Usare IL Present Perfect Continuous
    • USI Principali Del Present Perfect Continuous
    • Present Perfect Simple O Continuous?

    Come probabilmente ricorderai, il present perfect si usa per collegare al presente un evento avvenuto nel passato. Ad esempio: I’ve lost my purse. Can you help me find it? La perdita della borsa è un evento recente e ha conseguenze sul presente. Anche il present perfect continuous ha una forte relazione con il presente e viene utilizzato in due sit...

    Il present perfect continuous si forma con ‘have/has been’ e il verbo principale nella forma in -ing. Ad esempio: You’ve been studying English for a few minutes. Ecco una tabella con i relativi esempi: + I’ve been working You’ve been working He/she/it’s been working We’ve been working You’ve been working They’ve been working – I haven’t been workin...

    Diamo ora un’occhiata più approfondita alle due situazioni in cui si utilizza il present perfect continuous. 1) Azioni in svolgimento: come e quando si usa for e since? Il present perfect continuous descrive un’azione o una situazione iniziata nel passato (di solito, un passato recente) e che continua nel presente. Di norma, si tratta di situazioni...

    Come abbiamo visto, anche il present perfect simpledescrive sia azioni recenti sia azioni non terminate. Quindi, quando si deve utilizzare una forma invece dell’altra? Confronta queste due frasi: c) Tom has repaired my car. d) Tom has been repairing my car. Nella frase a), al present perfect simple, la macchina è funzionante. L’azione è dunque term...

  2. 26 nov 2020 · Questi avverbi sono utili in conversazione e ci permettono di parlare delle esperienze della nostra vita: es. A: Have you ever been to Rome? (in qualsiasi momento della tua vita) B: Yes, I have. No I havent or No, Ive never been to Rome. A: Has she ever cooked Thai food? B: Yes, she has. I’ ve never won a competition.

  3. You can say ‘Where have you been’. To answer the question, start by saying ‘Ive been’ and then say the reason why you have not seen that person who asked you the question. When saying ‘Ive been’ really quickly, it normally sounds like ‘Ive been’. Ive been.

    • You Haven't Been Where I've Been1
    • You Haven't Been Where I've Been2
    • You Haven't Been Where I've Been3
    • You Haven't Been Where I've Been4
    • You Haven't Been Where I've Been5
  4. A: Where have you been? B: I've just been out to the supermarket. A: Have you ever been to San Francisco? B: No, but I've been to Los Angeles. But when someone has not returned, we use have/has gone: A: Where's Maria? I haven't seen her for weeks. B: She's gone to Paris for a week. She'll be back tomorrow. have been and have gone ...

  5. We use the present perfect continuous to talk about repeated activities which started at a particular time in the past and are still continuing up until now: Ive been going to Spain on holiday every year since 1987. I havent been eating much lunch lately. Ive been going to the gym at lunchtimes.

  6. Where I’m At Lyrics. [Intro] Can I see your license Sir? What? Your license. Where is your license? [Chorus: Sample] How do ya know where I'm at, when you haven't been where I've...