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  1. Zaynab bint Muhammad (in arabo زينب بنت محمد ‎?; 595 – Medina, 629) era la primogenita delle figlie del profeta Maometto e della sua prima moglie Khadija.

  2. Zainab bint Muhammad (Arabic: زَيْنَب بِنْت مُحَمَّد)‎ (598/599–629 CE) was the eldest daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad by his first wife Khadijah.

  3. Zaynab ( arabe : زَيْنَب ), Zaynab bint Muhammad (née entre 598 et 600 et morte au printemps 629) est une des filles de Mahomet et de sa première femme Khadija 1. Elle est réputée être sa première fille 1. Zaynab fut mariée à son cousin Abou al-Aas ibn al-Rabi' (en).

    • Vers 629Médine
    • Mahomet
    • Vers 599La Mecque
    • Al Baqi
  4. 23 apr 2024 · Zainab bint Muhammad (RA) died in the seventh year after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, leaving behind her grief-stricken husband and her two children, Ali and Umamah. After her death, they were both raised in the household of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and cared for by their aunt, Fatimah (RA).

  5. 8 feb 2022 · Zaynab was the eldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadeejah (May Allah be pleased with her). She was born 10 years before the prophethood. Like other children of noble Arabs, she was given to a wet nurse.

  6. Zaynab bint ‘Ali è una delle nipoti del Profeta Muhammad da parte della figlia Fatima bint Muhammad e del cugino ‘Ali b. Abi Talib. Sorella di Hasan e Husayn, i due nipoti più amati dal Profeta, Zaynab è molto venerata in alcuni paesi musulmani come l’Iran, la Siria, il Libano e l’Egitto ed è nota nella tradizione sufi e sciita per ...

  7. 16 ott 2017 · Zaynab was the only wife of the Prophet besides Khadijah bint Khuwaylid who passed on before her beloved husband. She was honored as a Mother of the Believers, as his other wives were. Zaynab was the “lucky” wife who had her husband lead the Funeral Prayer over her body when she returned to Allah.