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  1. › wiki › VGIKVGIK - Wikipedia

    L'Università statale pan-russa di cinematografia S. A. Gerasimov, meglio conosciuta con l'acronimo VGIK risultante dalla traslitterazione ISO 9 delle iniziali del nome originale di fondazione Vserossijskij gosudarstvennʹìj institut kinematografii, Istituto statale pan-russo di cinematografia, è un prestigioso ente statale ...

  2. The Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography, officially the S. A. Gerasimov All-Russian University of Cinematography (Russian: Всероссийский государственный институт кинематографии имени С. А. Герасимова, romanized: Vserossiyskiy gosudarstvyennyy institut kinematografii imyeni S ...

  3. VGIK has a 16-floor student hostel for 750 people. There are 16 blocks on the floor, each block consisting of two bedrooms, a hall and a bathroom. The hostel also has a gym and a weight room, classrooms for Russian lessons, drawing and music, a student café, a shop where one can buy food and essential goods.

  4. Официальное наименование Университета на английском языке – Russian State University of Cinematography named after S.Gerasimov; аббревиатура – VGIK. ВГИК основан 1 сентября 1919 года как Государственная школа ...

  5. La storia del VGIK è inscindibile dalla storia del cinema sovietico. Ai suoi esordi la scuola fu organizzata in stretta collaborazione fra insegnanti e allievi nella comune ricerca delle nuove tecniche, teorie e sperimentazioni che fondarono la cinematografia dell'URSS.

  6. The Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography, meaning All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, aka VGIK, is a film school in Moscow, Russia.

  7. VGIK International Student Festival is one of the oldest student film showcases. The first Festival was held in 1961. The main film competition consisted of 29 films, the Grand-Prix being granted to Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky for his diploma work “The Boy and the Dove".