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  1. A maternal bond is the relationship between a biological mother/caregiver and her child or baby. While typically associated with pregnancy and childbirth , a maternal bond may also develop in cases later on in life where the child is unrelated, such as in the case of an adoptee or a case of blended family.

  2. 16 set 2015 · Maternal love, which is at the core of maternal behavior, is essential for the mother–infant attachment relationship and is important for an infant’s development and mental health. In addition,...

  3. 11 feb 2023 · Relazione madre-figlio: come si sviluppa uno dei legami più forti di sempre. La relazione madre-figlio è basata su dei meccanismi biologici che si attivano in modo interdipendente in entrambi i soggetti. Vediamo in che modo la psicologia tratta questo legame indissolubile. 11 Feb 23 06:00. Melissa Matiddi.

  4. 26 giu 2022 · Abstract. Maternal and passionate love are both crucial for reproduction and involve attachment behaviors with high rewards. Neurobiological studies of attachment in animal and human neuroimaging studies have suggested that the coordination of oxytocinergic and vasopressinergic pathways, coupled with the dopaminergic reward system ...

    • 10.3390/brainsci12070830
    • 2022/07
    • Brain Sci. 2022 Jul; 12(7): 830.
  5. 5 lug 2018 · How does maternal love “take hold” as a feeling in the mother? And why do some mothers struggle to develop these feelings? In our synthesis, the first evidence of maternal affection is described in pregnancy, when many mothers experience an increasing emotional connection with the imagined child.

    • Idun Røseth, Robert Bongaardt, Anne Marit Lyberg, Eva Sommerseth, Bente Dahl
    • 10.1080/17482631.2018.1490621
    • 2018
    • 2018
  6. 7 ago 2015 · Maternal love defies restrictions based on the intersection of race and gender, and exists beyond patriarchal rules of ownership. It exists in flesh and milk, in each maternal body, yet the conditions under which one is asked to love, or not love, vary enormously.

  7. 5 gen 2016 · Maternal love appears to enhance the children’s physical and psychological readiness to confront the demands of the external world. This research provided evidence that parental love is a protective factor that allows children to build resilience and its effect continues even until young adulthood.