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  1. › wiki › Jim_BludsoJim Bludso - Wikipedia

    Jim Bludso è un film del 1917 diretto da Tod Browning, qui alla sua prima regia in un lungometraggio. Le fonti contemporanee sono contrastanti sulla questione se la direzione è stato uno sforzo congiunto tra Browning e la star del film, Wilfred Lucas.

  2. › wiki › Jim_BludsoJim Bludso - Wikipedia

    Jim Bludso is a 1917 American drama film directed by Tod Browning. It was Browning's first feature film as a director. Contemporary sources are variable on the matter of whether the direction was a joint effort between Browning and the film's star, Wilfred Lucas.

  3. Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle. by John Hay. Wall, no! I can't tell whar he lives, Becase he don't live, you see; Leastways, he's got out of the habit. Of livin' like you and me. Whar have you been for the last three year. That you haven't heard folks tell.

  4. For instance: it would have been quite impossible for John Hay to write an acceptable or impressive poem about a sweet Christian fellow, who had sacrificed his life to save a boat-load of passengers; but he could paint Jim Bludso – a bad man – with a few touches that can never be forgotten.

  5. › wiki › John_HayJohn Hay - Wikipedia

    Dai suoi "Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle" e "Little Breeches" è stato tratto il film Jim Bludso diretto nel 1917 da Tod Browning. Hay fu il segretario di Stato del Presidente Theodore Roosevelt.

  6. How Jimmie Bludso passed in his checks The night of the Prairie Belle? He weren't no saint -- them engineers Are pretty much alike -- One wife in Natchez under the Hill, And another one here, in Pike. A careless man in his talk was Jim, And an awkward hand in a row, But he never flunked and he never lied, -- I reckon he never knowed how.

  7. Analysis (ai): This ballad recounts the heroic death of Jim Bludso, an engineer aboard the Prairie Belle steamboat. Despite his flawed personal life, Jim is remembered for his unwavering dedication to his duty, which he fulfills in the face of a catastrophic fire.