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  1. Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (Manchester, 5 maggio 1882 – Addis Abeba, 27 settembre 1960) è stata un'attivista, giornalista, scrittrice ed artista britannica. Militante nel movimento per il suffragio femminile , fu per un certo tempo un' attivista marxista libertaria , attiva nel movimento del comunismo consiliarista britannico ...

  2. Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (5 May 1882 – 27 September 1960) was an English feminist and socialist activist and writer. Following encounters with women-led labour activism in the United States , she worked to organise working-class women in London's East End .

  3. 1 set 2017 · Sylvia Pankhurst era un'attivista per i diritti delle donne con la madre Emmeline e la sorella Christabel. Si è separata con loro per lavorare per la pace e il socialismo.

  4. Sylvia was the second daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst, founder of the Womens Social & Political Union in 1903. Known as ‘suffragettes’, they were the most militant group to campaign to get women the vote. Sylvia herself was an early force in the campaign for women’s right to vote.

  5. Sylvia Pankhurst was a painter and designer whose work was of the highest quality. Much of her work as an artist was connected with her human rights campaigns although her early paintings reveal differing artistic or social preoccupations.

  6. Quando Sylvia Pankhurst assistette al primo dibattito politico della sua vita era poco più che ragazzina. Merito della madre, Emmeline Goulden, cresciuta nella Manchester radicale di metà Ottocento e fondatrice del movimento inglese delle Suffragettes, e del padre, Richard Madsen Pankhurst, avvocato e riformatore vicino al partito dei lavoratori.

  7. Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (5 May 1882 – 27 September 1960) was an English feminist and socialist activist and writer. Following encounters with women-led labour activism in the United States, she worked to organise working-class women in London's East End.