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  1. › wiki › Hans_BaldungHans Baldung - Wikipedia

    Hans Baldung detto Grien è stato un pittore, disegnatore, incisore e xilografo tedesco, contemporaneo e allievo di Albrecht Dürer.

  2. › wiki › Hans_BaldungHans Baldung - Wikipedia

    Hans Baldung (1484 or 1485 – September 1545), called Hans Baldung Grien, (being an early nickname, because of his predilection for the colour green), was a painter, printer, engraver, draftsman, and stained glass artist, who was considered the most gifted student of Albrecht Dürer and whose art belongs to both German Renaissance ...

  3. Learn about Hans Baldung Grien, a German painter and printmaker who was influenced by Albrecht Dürer and worked in Strasbourg. Explore his paintings, drawings, and woodcuts on various themes, such as religion, mythology, and sorcery.

  4. Pittore tedesco, incisore, disegnatore d'incisioni in legno e di decorazioni su vetro. Nacque intorno al 1480 a Weyersheim presso Strasburgo; morì nel 1545. È incerto se i primordî del suo sviluppo artistico siano da ricercare nell'Alto Reno (Alsazia) o nella Svevia.

  5. Pittore e incisore (Schwäbisch-Gmünd 1484 o 1485 - Strasburgo 1545), una delle più grandi personalità del Rinascimento in Germania. Formatosi presso A. Dürer a Norimberga (1504 circa), si stabilì nel 1509 a Strasburgo, da cui si allontanò solo tra il 1512 e il 1516, per lavorare a Friburgo in Brisgovia al grande polittico del duomo, che ...

  6. Hans Baldung was a painter and graphic artist, one of the most outstanding figures in northern Renaissance art. He served as an assistant to Albrecht Dürer, whose influence is apparent in his early works, although the demonic energy of his later style is closer to that of Matthias Grünewald.

  7. A painting by the German Renaissance artist Hans Baldung, depicting Saint John the Evangelist in exile and vision. Learn about the artwork's history, technique, and symbolism from The Met's website.