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  1. Ernst von Mansfeld. Peter Ernst conte di Mansfeld (in tedesco Graf von Mansfeld; 1580 – Racovița, 29 novembre 1626) è stato un militare tedesco. Fu un importante comandante delle truppe protestanti durante la fase boema della Guerra dei trent'anni.

  2. Peter Ernst, Graf von Mansfeld (German: Peter Ernst Graf von Mansfeld; c. 1580 – 29 November 1626), or simply Ernst von Mansfeld, was a German military commander; despite being a Catholic, he fought for the Protestants during the early years of the Thirty Years' War.

  3. Graf Peter Ernst II. von Mansfeld, meist einfach Ernst von Mansfeld genannt (* 1580 in Luxemburg; † 29. November 1626 in Rakovica bei Sarajevo ), war ein bedeutender Söldner - und Heerführer in den Anfangsjahren des Dreißigjährigen Krieges .

  4. Ernst, count von Mansfeld (born 1580, Luxembourg—died Nov. 29, 1626, Rakovica, near Sarajevo, Bosnia) was a Roman Catholic mercenary who fought for the Protestant cause during the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48); he was the Catholic League’s most dangerous opponent until his death in 1626.

  5. Peter Ernst II von Mansfeld (souvent abrégé en Ernst von Mansfeld) fut un des plus célèbres hommes de guerre actifs au début de la guerre de Trente Ans. Il naquit vers 1580 et mourut le 29 novembre 1626 à Rakowitza, village de Bosnie.

  6. The House of Mansfeld was a princely German house, which took its name from the town of Mansfeld in the present-day state of Saxony-Anhalt. [1] Mansfelds were archbishops, generals, supporters as well as opponents of Martin Luther, and Habsburg administrators.

  7. Ernst von Mansfeld. Fu un importante comandante delle truppe protestanti durante la fase boema della Guerra dei trent'anni. Condusse le truppe protestanti boeme e dell' Elettore Palatino Federico V, con fortune alterne, dal 1618 al 1626, quando cadde ammalato e morì durante una ritirata vicino a Sarajevo. Oops something went wrong: