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  1. Hans von Lehwaldt, anche noto come Johann von Lehwaldt, è stato un generale prussiano, feldmaresciallo del Königlich Preußische Armee e importante comandante militare nel corso della guerra di successione austriaca e della guerra dei sette anni.

  2. Hans von Lehwald (t) (24 June 1685 – 16 November 1768), also known as Johann von Lehwald (t), was a Prussian Generalfeldmarschall. He joined the military in 1700 and participated in all Prussian field operations from the War of Spanish Succession through the Seven Years' War.

  3. Aus seiner 1821 geschlossenen Ehe mit Mathilde Amalie von Rautter (1802–1881) gingen zwei Söhne hervor, von denen der ältere Hans Louis Wolfgang von Lehwaldt (* 1823) als preußischer Oberstleutnant z.D. 1895 unverheiratet verstarb.

  4. The Battle of Gross-Jägersdorf (30 August 1757) was a victory for the Russian force under Field Marshal Stepan Fyodorovich Apraksin over a smaller Prussian force commanded by Field Marshal Hans von Lehwaldt, during the Seven Years' War.

  5. Citation Lehwaldt, Hans von, Index entry in: Deutsche Biographie, [23.05.2024].

  6. Hans von Lehwald, also known as Johann von Lehwald, was a Prussian Generalfeldmarschall who participated in the Silesian Wars of Frederick the Great.

  7. La battaglia di Gross-Jägersdorf venne combattuta il 30 agosto 1757 nei pressi di Groß Jägersdorf nell'allora Prussia orientale nell'ambito degli eventi della guerra dei sette anni, e vide affrontarsi le forze del Regno di Prussia agli ordini del feldmaresciallo Hans von Lehwaldt e un'armata russa sotto il comando del maresciallo ...