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  1. Elfleda di Whitby, o in inglese Ælfflæd of Whitby (654 – 713), fu badessa dell'Abbazia di Whitby. È venerata come santa dalla Chiesa cattolica e dalla Comunione anglicana. Era figlia di Oswiu, re di Northumbria e della sua consorte Eanflæd (anch'essa venerata come santa).

  2. 22 ott 2017 · Venne succeduta nella carica di badessa dell’Abbazia di Whitby da Eflelda e la madre Enfleda. Dipinto dell’artista James Clark rappresentante Santa Hilda di Whitby.

  3. Saint Ælfflæd (654–714) was the daughter of King Oswiu of Northumbria and Eanflæd. She was abbess of Whitby Abbey, an abbey of nuns that were known for their skills in medicine, from the death of her kinswoman Hilda in 680, first jointly with her mother, then alone.

  4. 31 mag 2019 · Hilda of Whitby (also known as Saint Hilda of Whitby, l. 614-680 CE) was the founder and abbess of the monastery at Whitby, Kingdom of Northumbria, Britain. She was a Northumbrian princess who converted to Christianity with the rest of the court of her great-uncle, King Edwin of Deira (r. 616-633 CE), when she was 13.

    • Joshua J. Mark
    • Elfleda di Whitby1
    • Elfleda di Whitby2
    • Elfleda di Whitby3
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    • Elfleda di Whitby5
  5. Saint Elfleda of Whitby, also known as Aelflaed, Edilfreda, Ethelfreda, Ethelfleda, and Elgiva, was born in the year 653, as a princess and the daughter of King Oswy of Northumbria, which was part of England at the time. From her early years, Elfleda showed a deep devotion to God and a desire to serve Him.

  6. 9 mag 2024 · Elfleda. (653—714) Quick Reference. (653–714), abbess of Whitby. Her father, Oswiu, king of Northumbria, and her mother Enfleda vowed to consecrate her in infancy to the religious life if he were successful in battle against Penda, the heathen king of Mercia.

  7. Joining the convent of Whitby, Elflaed received instruction and spiritual guidance from the venerable abbess Hilda of Whitby, one of England's most highly educated women. Elflaed soon became renowned as a founder of religious establishments and for her generous acts of charity.