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  1. Caritas Pirckheimer è stata una religiosa e umanista tedesca. Fu badessa del convento di Santa Clara a Norimberga al tempo della Riforma, alla quale si oppose strenuamente a causa della minaccia posta da Martin Lutero ai monasteri cattolici, compreso il suo convento.

  2. Caritas Pirckheimer (21 March 1467 – 19 August 1532) was Abbess of Saint Clara's convent in Nuremberg at the time of the Reformation, which she opposed due to the threat posed by Martin Luther to Catholic houses of worship and religious buildings, including her own convent.

  3. Caritas Pirckheimer was born into a family that valued humanist scholarship and monastic life. She pursued both in exemplary fashion, employing her learning to cultivate devotion. From her activities as a young woman we can see how humanist studies were absorbed by one who had limited access to them and how male humanists viewed a woman who ...

  4. 20 giu 2024 · Summary. When Caritas Pirckheimer, abbess of the Nürnberg cloister of St. Clares, died in 1532, her obituary in the cloister's Totenbüchlein included the simple words “a mirror of all piety and learning and a lover of all virtues.”.

  5. 11 gen 2016 · During the early years of the Reformation, from 1524-1528, Caritas Pirckheimer, a Poor Clare nun who lived in Nuremburg, kept a sort of diary of letters and conversations known as the Denkwürdigkeiten (“memorable items”).

  6. Pirckheimer: Charitas P., die würdige Schwester des Vorigen, unter allen Geschwistern dem Bruder am meisten geistesverwandt, geb. am 21. März 1466, † am 19. August 1532.

  7. Caritas Pirckheimer (1467-1532) is probably more familiar to historians of early modern women writers than to medievalists. In fact, she is best known for leading her Franciscan convent to stand up to Martin Luther and the Nuremberg city council, winning the right to preserve monastic life even in a Protestant city.