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  1. Erik Magnusson di Svezia ( 1282 – 1318) fu Duca di Södermanland . Figlio del re Magnus III di Svezia, fu uno dei più potenti signori di Svezia. La sua ambizione di unificare sotto una sola corona i tre regni della Scandinavia, lo condusse in una guerra civile contro il fratello Birger .

  2. Eric XII (Swedish: Erik Magnusson; 1339 – 20 June 1359) was King of Sweden and lord of Scania in 13441359. He was a co-ruler with his father, King Magnus IV , from 1356 until his death in 1359. [1]

  3. Erik XII (VII) Magnusson (1339 – 21 giugno 1359) era figlio di re Magnus IV. Dal 1356 al 1359 contese il trono al padre. Questa situazione creò un clima molto teso in Svezia e provocò l'allontanamento di entrambi dal paese.

  4. Erik Magnusson di Svezia fu Duca di Södermanland.

  5. Erik Magnusson, ibland felaktigt kallad Erik "XII", var kung av Sverige och herre över Skåne 13561359, född 1339, död 1359, son till kung Magnus Eriksson och drottning Blanka av Namur.

  6. Eric XII of Sweden. Eric XII (Swedish: Erik Magnusson; 1339 – 20 June 1359) was King of Sweden and lord of Scania in 13441359. He was a co-ruler with his father, King Magnus IV, from 1356 until his death in 1359.

  7. His son Erik emerged as the champion of his opponents, who were supported by King Valdemar IV of Denmark and, after 1356, by Pope Innocent VI as well. Magnus was forced to cede to Erik about half of his Swedish kingdom, and he began to make concessions… Read More