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  1. Ermanno II di Promnitz (Sorau, 22 agosto 1683Sorau, 7 settembre 1745) fu principe di Pless

  2. Erdmann II, Count von Promnitz (born 22 August 1683 in Sorau, Electorate of Saxony (now Żary, Poland); died: 7 September 1745 at the forest castle near Żary) was Lord of Żary (German: Sorau) and Trzebiel (German: Triebel) in Lower Lusatia, and Pszczyna (German: Pless) in Upper Silesia.

  3. Carlo Giorgio Lebrecht era figlio del Principe Augusto Luigi e della sua seconda moglie Emilie (1708-1732), figlia del conte Ermanno II di Promnitz. Entrato nelle schiere dell'esercito danese tra il 1750 ed il 1751, nel novembre del 1751 entrò a far parte dell'armata prussiana, divenendo nel 1787 Feldmaresciallo, con una rapida e valente carriera.

  4. Erdmann II, Count von Promnitz (22 August 163 - 7 September 1745) was the Lord of Żary and Trzebiel. He worked as a minister for Augustus II the Strong and August III. Georg Philipp Telemann and Wolfgang Caspar Printz worked as musicians for him.

  5. Erdmann II Promnitz (ur. 22 sierpnia 1683 w Żarach; zm. 7 września 1745) – królewsko-polski i elektorsko-saski tajny radca, minister Tajnego Gabinetu Augusta II Mocnego, pan na Żarach, Pszczynie i Trzebielu, fundator barokowego pałacu w Żarach, kawaler Orderu Orła Białego.

  6. Promnitz, Erdmann von 1683-1745 Erdmann II. von Promnitz Reichsgraf von Promnitz, Standesherr zu Sorau, Triebel und Pleß Promnitz, Erdmann, 1683-1745

  7. This is a biography of an eminent representative of the Promnitz baronial family – one of the most prominent aristocratic families of Silesia and Lower Lusatia between the 16th and 18th century. From 1703, Erdmann II held two state countries in fee tail: Księstwo Pszczyńskie (the Duchy of Pless) and the Żary-Trzebiel state in Lower Lusatia.