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  1. Ἀbū Mūsā Jābir ibn Ḥayyān al-Ἀzdī, latinizzato in Geber (in persiano جابر بن حيان ‎; Ṭūs, 721 circa – Baghdad, 765 o 822), è conosciuto come il più grande alchimista medioevale.

  2. Jabir ibn Hayyan. Abū Mūsā Jābir ibn Ḥayyān ( Arabic: أبو موسى جابر بن حيّان, variously called al-Ṣūfī, al-Azdī, al-Kūfī, or al-Ṭūsī ), died c. 806−816, is the purported author of a large number of works in Arabic, often called the Jabirian corpus.

  3. Abū Mūsā Jābir ibn Ḥayyān was a Muslim alchemist known as the father of Arabic chemistry. He systematized a “quantitative” analysis of substances and was the inspiration for Geber, a Latin alchemist who developed an important corpuscular theory of matter.

  4. 14 apr 2021 · Jabir ibn Hayyan was an 8th century famous Arab scientists, philosopher, and pharmacist. Due to the immense contribution he had in the fields of alchemy and chemistry, he came to be known as the “Father of modern chemistry”.

  5. 7 ago 2023 · Jabir ibn Hayyan, noto anche come Geber nell’Europa medievale, è stato un eminente scienziato, filosofo e alchimista arabo vissuto nel VIII e IX secolo. La sua vasta e profonda opera ha influenzato significativamente lo sviluppo dell’alchimia e della chimica, ponendo le basi per le scienze moderne.

  6. Perhaps the greatest of the alchemists was Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, a Muslim Persian innovator who wrote over 3,000 texts on alchemy. These included: A list—including descriptions—of all the known tools and equipment used by Greek and Muslim alchemists. Histories of the progress made by earlier alchemists.

  7. Jabir (Geber) ibn Hayyan è certamente lo scienziato che meglio di tutti rappresenta la tradizione alchemica araba. Nato nella città di Tus (l’odierna Tous nella provincia iraniana di Razavi Khorasan), trascorre la maggior parte della sua vita a Kufa, città situata sul corso inferiore dell’Eufrate.