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  1. It is Portugal's largest religion and its former state religion, and has existed in the territory since the Iberian Peninsula was ruled by the Roman Empire. There are an estimated nine million baptised Catholics in Portugal (84% of the population) in twenty dioceses, served by 2789 priests.

  2. Chiesa cattolica in Portogallo. Mappa delle province ecclesiastiche del Portogallo. Sant' Antonio di Padova, noto in Portogallo come António de Lisboa, patrono del Paese, assieme all' Immacolata Concezione. La Chiesa cattolica in Portogallo è parte della Chiesa cattolica in comunione con il vescovo di Roma, il papa .

    • 2022
    • 84,30%
    • 81,00%
    • 10.140.570
  3. Die römisch-katholische Kirche in Portugal gliedert sich in 21 Diözesen, wovon Lissabon, Braga und Évora Erzbistümer sind. Bei der Volkszählung im Jahre 2021 gaben 80,2 % der 10.344.802 Einwohner Portugals an, der katholisch zu sein, [1] das entspricht rund einer Zahl von rund 8,3 Millionen Katholiken. Sie werden von 4000 Priestern betreut.

  4. The Cathedral of Saint Mary Major (Portuguese: Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Metropolitan Cathedral of St. Mary Major), often called Lisbon Cathedral or simply the Sé (Sé de Lisboa), is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Lisbon, Portugal. The oldest church in the city, it is the seat of the Patriarchate of Lisbon.

  5. SHOW ALL QUESTIONS. The Portuguese Catholic Church, or Catholic Church in Portugal, is part of the worldwide Catholic Church in communion with the Pope in Rome, under the Portuguese Episcopal Conference. The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian organisation.