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  1. › wiki › DesomorfinaDesomorfina - Wikipedia

    La desomorfina (nota anche come krokodil, o crocodile drug grazie ai mezzi di comunicazione di massa) è una sostanza oppiacea inventata nel 1932 negli Stati Uniti derivante dalla morfina, nella cui molecola è stato rimosso il gruppo 6-idrossido ed il doppio legame 7,8 è stato saturato.

  2. 7 mar 2017 · Un mix letale di sostanze chimiche più economico e pericoloso dell'eroina. Viene dalla Russia e il suo nome è Krokodil, la droga più pericolosa al mondo. Il Krokodil è un narcotico a base di ...

    • What Is Krokodil (Desomorphine)?
    • How Is Krokodil used?
    • What Are The Side Effects of Krokodil?
    • What Is The Extent of Krokodil use?
    • Is Krokodil in The U.S?
    • Is Krokodil Addictive?
    • Related
    • See Also
    • Further Information
    Desomorphine, known by the street name krokodil, is a powerful opioid derivative of codeine. Like heroin and other opioids, it has a sedative and analgesic effect and is highly addictive.
    Desomorphine is a Schedule I substance in the U.S., meaning it has a high abuse potential with no accepted medical use. Other chemical names include dihydrodesoxymorphine or dihydrodesoxymorphine-D...
    Long-term users who inject these caustic agents into their veins can develop extreme skin ulcerations, infections, and gangrene-- a discolored (green, grey, black) scale-like skin that resembles a...
    Krokodil is also called “Russian Magic”, referring to its short duration of opioid intoxication (euphoria). It is called "Poor Man's Heroin" as it is a cheaper alternative to heroin.
    Krokodil is typically used by the intravenous (IV) route.
    According to reports, the drug is fast-acting within 2 to 3 minutes and 10 to 15 times more potent than morphine, and three times as toxic. In fact, when the toxic chemicals are removed, quite ofte...
    After a rapid onset, the euphoric effects may last less than two hours. Due to the short duration of the “high”, many users find themselves in a rapid repetition of drug use to avoid withdrawal sym...
    Due to the drug’s rapid onset but short duration of action and frequent administration, quick physical dependencemay occur.

    There have been multiple unconfirmed news reports of users in the U.S. and Canada who have had extreme skin ulcerations, infections and scale-like skin due to use of krokodil. The most common complications reported thus far from krokodil injection appears to be serious vein damage, soft tissue infections, necrosis and gangrene. According to reports...

    Krokodil has been synthesized in Russia for over a decade. Reports have noted that over one million people in Russia use or have used krokodil according to the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services. Krokodil goes by the names of “Cheornaya” in Russia and “Himiya” in Ukraine. Krokodil has lead to thousands of deaths in Rus...

    There were few reports of krokodil use in the U.S. until September 2013 when a poison control center in Phoenix, Arizona received inquiries about the product. Additional reports have surfaced from Illinois and Oklahoma. However, as of July 2019, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has stated that they are have not identified any krokodil since 2...

    Addiction is an obvious problem with krokodil use due to its high opioid potency and short duration of effect. Frequent administration may lead to binge patterns that can last for days. Users are at increased risk for exhaustion due to sleep deprivation, memory loss, and problems with speech. Variations in potency or "homemade" recipes can put user...

    Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. Medical Disclaimer

  3. 6 mar 2017 · Il krokodil è una sostanza che fa parte del gruppo degli oppiacei. Normalmente viene ricavata dalla codeina (un analgesico di facile reperibilità) mixata con vari altri composti come benzina,...

    • Silvia Turin
  4. 6 mar 2017 · Gli effetti devastanti del Krokodil. Chi assume fa uso di questa droga perde completamente i freni inibitori e spesso diventa aggressivo arrivando anche a dare morsi e a compiere atti di...

  5. › wiki › DesomorphineDesomorphine - Wikipedia

    A desomorphine product, usually based on codeine, has been developed as a recreational drug. [13] The product in question is typically a highly impure variant of desomorphine. The scaly sores and necrosis that develop around the injection site has prompted the name krokodil (Russian for crocodile).

  6. 14 mar 2017 · La droga Krokodil si è affermata in Russia nel 2010 come alternativa all’eroina e tanto diffusa da contare circa 1 milione di tossicodipendenti tra la popolazione russa. In Europa e in Italia è poco presente ma se ne parla per mettere in guardia dagli effetti devastanti che provoca.