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  1. Standard Danish (rigsdansk) is the language based on dialects spoken in and around the capital, Copenhagen. Unlike Swedish and Norwegian, Danish does not have more than one regional speech norm.

  2. Rigsdansk (også rigsmål) er den standardiserede form for dansk, især brugt om talesproget. Den præcise definition er et omdiskuteret emne. Én formulering beskrivet det som de ordformer i dansk som ikke er begrænset til bestemte geografiske områder.

  3. The traditional dialects are generally divided into three main dialectal areas: Jutlandic dialect, Insular Danish, and East Danish. Since the Swedish conquest of the Eastern Danish provinces Skåne, Halland and Blekinge in 1645/1658, the Eastern Danish dialects there have come under heavy Swedish influence.

  4. Standarddänisch oder Reichsdänisch (dänisch rigsdansk oder rigsmål) ist die Standardvariante der dänischen Sprache. Die dänische Standardsprache entwickelte sich aus der vom gebildeten Bürgertum gesprochenen Variante des Malmöer (bis 1658) und des Kopenhagener Dialektes ( Københavnsk ), der als Norm für den Rest des Landes ...

  5. Southern Schleswig Danish ( Danish: Sydslesvigdansk, German: Südschleswigdänisch) is a variety of the Danish language spoken in Southern Schleswig in Northern Germany. It is a variety of Standard Danish ( rigsmål) influenced by the surrounding German language in relation to prosody, syntax and morphology, used by the Danish ...

  6. Riksdansk (dansk: rigsdansk) er det standardiserte danske talespråket. Tidligere var det den eneste variant av dansk som var tillatt brukt i radio og TV. Siden 1970-tallet er riksdansk svekket, samtidig med at de danske dialektene i stigende grad har nærmet seg riksdansk.

  7. Rigsdansk was a formal dialect that matches written danish much more than modern danish does, but Rigsdansk wasn't spoken naturally anywhere, and was only used to convey formality. It is still used from time to time for comic effect especially to sound like old TV or radio.