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  1. Bosque Redondo (in lingua navajo: Hwéeldi) è una località che si trova nello stato federale del Nuovo Messico negli Stati Uniti. Il luogo è tristemente famoso in quanto nel periodo 1863-1868 fu adibito a riserva indiana e vi furono confinati oltre 8.500 Navajo e circa 500 Mescalero.

  2. At its peak in the winter of 1864, more than 8,500 Diné and nearly 500 Ndé people were held at the Bosque Redondo Indian Reservation. Most of the Ndé became so disenchanted with life as farmers and the meager rations that they left in the night during November of 1865 to go home.

  3. From 1863 to 1868, Fort Sumner, New Mexico was the center of a million-acre parcel known as the Bosque Redondo Indian Reservation. The history of how the U.S. Army used scorched earth policies to forcibly remove Diné (Navajo) and Ndé (Mescalero Apache) people from their traditional homelands to this lonely, inhospitable outpost along the ...

  4. The Long Walk of the Navajo, also called the Long Walk to Bosque Redondo (Spanish: larga caminata del navajo), was the deportation and ethnic cleansing of the Navajo people by the United States federal government and the United States army.

  5. By November 1864, about 8,570 people were imprisoned at Hweeldi, the Navajo (Diné) word for Bosque Redondo. As Navajo (Diné) faced deteriorating conditions, news of the internment camp spread. Photographs depicted misery and suffering.

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  6. Il 18 giugno 1868 una colonna composta da circa 7.300 uomini 1.500 cavalli e muli, 2.000 ovini, insieme con 50 carri dell'esercito e una scorta di cavalleria, mosse da Bosque Redondo per far ritorno nei territori Navajo del Nuovo Messico e Arizona.

  7. 1 dic 1997 · One of the most tragic episodes of exile was the Long Walk in 1864, when Kit Carson rounded up 8,000 Navajos and forced them to walk more than 300 miles from northeastern Arizona and northwestern...