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  1. Cadette de la dynastie des Oldenbourg, la maison de Holstein-Gottorp a régné sur la Suède entre 1751 et 1818, la Russie de 1762 à 1917, l'Oldenbourg entre 1773 et 1918, et plus brièvement sur la Norvège de 1814 à 1818.

  2. Holstein-Gottorp. Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando la famiglia svedese, che regnò sulla Svezia e sulla Norvegia, vedi Holstein-Gottorp (linea svedese). La famiglia degli Holstein-Gottorp è una linea minore del casato degli Oldenburg, fondata nel 1544 da Adolfo di Holstein-Gottorp, fratello minore del re Cristiano III di ...

  3. Duke of Holstein (1766–1808) with Paul (Gottorp) (1766–1773), Count of Oldenburg in personal union (1766–1773) as Christian X. Ceded the County of Oldenburg to Holstein-Gottorp line. Married Caroline Matilda of Great Britain (1751 – 1775) daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales. See Denmark.

  4. La lignée oldenbourgeoise de la maison Holstein-Gottorp, appelée simplement maison de Holstein-Gottorp (en allemand, Haus Holstein-Gottorf), est une branche cadette de la maison de Holstein-Gottorp, elle-même issue de la dynastie des Oldenbourg.

    • Haus Holstein-Gottorf ( allemand)
    • Maison grand-ducale
    • Comté, duché et grand-duché d’Oldenbourg
  5. Thereafter, the House of Glücksburg became the senior surviving line of the House of Oldenburg. Another cadet line of Oldenburgs, the Dukes of Holstein-Gottorp, consisted of two branches which held onto sovereignty into the 20th century.

  6. Nell'Enciclopedia Treccani troverai tutto quello che devi sapere su Holstein-Gottorp. Entra subito su, il portale del sapere.

  7. Officially known as members of the House of Romanov, descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov. Paul I became the first heir to the throne, having the title “Tsa-tsarevich”, which was subsequently used for all main heirs.