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  1. Leona Schillera w Łodzi), commonly known as Łódź Film School (Polish: Szkoła Filmowa w Łodzi) is a Polish academy for future actors, directors, photographers, camera operators and television staff. It was founded on 8 March 1948 in Łódź (Lodz).

  2. Leona Schillera w Łodzi), a volte citata semplicemente come Scuola di cinema di Łódź è un istituto di formazione superiore polacco. È il maggiore centro accademico polacco per futuri attori, registi, fotografi, cineoperatori e addetti ai servizi televisivi.

  3. The Lodz Film School is one of the most widely recognized film schools in the world. The school itself organizes two festivals: ‘Łodzią po Wiśle’, Lodz Film School Student Film Festival which runs in Warsaw and abroad, and the ‘Drama Schools’ Festival.

  4. The film school became the centre of Polish film life and to study in Lodz the dream of future artists. The school was famous for its liberal lifestyle and openness and an atmosphere of intellectual ferment and nonchalance towards conventions in art and ways of living.

  5. Łódź jest portem, do którego przyjeżdżają na studia młodzi adepci sztuki filmowej i operatorskiej z całego świata. W programach studiów stawiamy na postawę otwartości, na twórczą wymianę energii i idei pomiędzy przedstawicielami różnych kultur i wyznawcami różnych pomysłów na życie i kino.

  6. In 1970 the syllabus of the schools was expanded to include television and today it is known as The National Film School in Łódź. Since 1949 the school has had its Film Production Centre, in which students work on their practical assignments and diploma projects. Alumnus Andrzej Wajda said of the school,

  7. 12 nov 2018 · The Film School in Lodz, one of the oldest film schools in the world, puts special emphasis on practical work in its teaching programme. The school educates directors, directors of photography, animators, photographers, screenwriters, editors, film and television production managers and actors.