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  1. The University of Strasbourg (French: Université de Strasbourg, Unistra) is a public research university located in Strasbourg, France, with over 52,000 students and 3,300 researchers. Founded in the 16th century by Jean Sturm, it was an intellectual hotbed during the Age of Enlightenment.

  2. L'Università di Strasburgo (Université de Strasbourg), nell'omonima città, è la seconda più grande università di Francia dopo l'Università di Aix-Marseille, contando circa 43 000 studenti e oltre 4 000 ricercatori.

  3. 35 education and research departments (UFR), faculties, schools and institutes. 70 research units (UPR, UMR, EA), 1 service and research unit (USR (MISHA)), 6 service units and 6 federative research structures.

  4. Luniversité de Strasbourg (en abrégé Unistra [1]) est une université pluridisciplinaire de recherche française située à Strasbourg en Alsace.

    • Johannes Sturm
    • Université publique ( EPSCP)
    • Michel Deneken
  5. 斯特拉斯堡大学 (法語: Université de Strasbourg ,德語: Universität Straßburg ,简称:Unistra或UDS)是坐落于 法国 阿尔萨斯 大区 首府 斯特拉斯堡 的一所多学科 综合性 公立大学 。 成立于1538年的斯特拉斯堡大学是 法国 第一批 自治大学 之一 [2] ,也是法国最先设立 基金会 的大学之一 [3] 。 同时,它还是 欧洲研究型大学联盟 成员,也是历史悠久的欧洲学院联盟 Eucor (法语:Eucor - Le campus européen) 的创始学校之一。

  6. Homepage - University of Strasbourg. University 20% of students from overseas, 2000 partnerships in 95 countries European Campus of Strasbourg with over 750 universities, co-founder of the European Campus.

  7. Strasbourg is the second most international university city in France (after Paris). Today, the University of Strasbourg counts 42000 students, offers initial and further education in a wide range of academic fields and is an international player in scientific research.