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  1. › wiki › Direct_ruleDirect rule - Wikipedia

    La Direct rule era un termine applicato alla fine del XX secolo e all'inizio del XXI secolo all'amministrazione dell' Irlanda del Nord direttamente da Westminster, [1] la sede del governo del Regno Unito. L'ultimo periodo di direct rule si è concluso l'8 maggio 2007, quando il potere è stato restituito all' Assemblea dell'Irlanda ...

  2. › wiki › Direct_ruleDirect rule - Wikipedia

    In political science, direct rule is when an imperial or central power takes direct control over the legislature, executive and civil administration of an otherwise largely self-governing territory.

  3. In Northern Irish politics, direct rule (Irish: riail dhíreach) is the administration of Northern Ireland directly by the Government of the United Kingdom. It was practised for 26 consecutive years between 1972 and 1998 during the Troubles , and has since then been temporarily applied during suspensions.

  4. 15 feb 2018 · Direct rule is the mechanism for taking over the functions and powers of the government of Northern Ireland - the Northern Ireland Executive - and giving them to London. Laws affecting Northern...

  5. 30 mar 2022 · The primary purpose of Direct Rule is to provide political direction. In 1972, this was transferred from the Governor and Government of Northern Ireland to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Another main feature is the use of Orders in Council to legislate in “transferred” (or devolved) areas.

  6. Direct colonial rule is a form of colonialism that involves the establishment of a centralized foreign authority within a territory, which is run by colonial officials. According to Michael W. Doyle of Harvard University, in a system of direct rule, the native population is excluded from all but the lowest level of the colonial ...

  7. 30 giu 2017 · Direct rule is the mechanism for taking over the functions and powers of the government of Northern Ireland - the Northern Ireland Executive - and giving them to London. Laws affecting Northern...