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  1. › wiki › SuburbSuburb - Wikipedia

    A suburb (more broadly suburban area) is an area within a metropolitan area which often contains most of the area's economic activity, which may include commercial and mixed-use. A suburb can exist either as part of a larger city/urban area or as a separate political entity.

  2. Il servizio ferroviario suburbano, metropolitano, o urbano [1] è una tipologia di trasporto che utilizza linee ferroviarie (ad esempio i cosiddetti passanti) per l'inoltro dei convogli allo scopo di garantire un rapido spostamento di massa delle persone nelle città molto estese o frazionate in quartieri distanti fra loro o tra esse e i centri ur...

  3. Suburbanization tends to occur in more economically developed countries. Proponents of curbing suburbanization argue that sprawl leads to urban decay and a concentration of lower-income residents in the inner city, [4] in addition to environmental harm. In some cases, suburbanization is temporary.

  4. › history › culture-magazinesSuburbs |

    History. Culture magazines. Suburbs. views 2,813,455 updated. Suburbs. The development of suburbsresidential communities on the outskirts of cities—was one of the most dominant features of American life in the twentieth century.