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  1. The University of Göttingen, officially the Georg August University of Göttingen (German: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, commonly referred to as Georgia Augusta), is a distinguished public research university in the city of Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany.

  2. L'Università Georg-August di Gottinga è un'università pubblica che si trova a Gottinga, nel Land tedesco della Bassa Sassonia. Chiamata semplicemente Università di Gottinga, Georgia Augusta, o solo Gottinga, fu fondata nel 1737 da re Giorgio II di Gran Bretagna, divenendo presto un ateneo prestigioso e frequentato.

  3. Die Georg-August-Universität (lateinisch Georgia Augusta) in Göttingen wurde 1732/1734 vom britischen König Georg II. aus dem Haus Hannover unter Federführung des Ministers Gerlach Adolph von Münchhausen gegründet und 1737 eingeweiht. [ 2 ]

  4. The University of Göttingen is an internationally renowned research university. Founded in 1737 in the Age of Enlightenment, the University is committed to the values of social responsibility of science, democracy, tolerance and justice.

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  5. The history of the University of Göttingen starts with the creation of a library in 1734 and the founding of the University three years later. Established in the spirit of the Enlightenment, the Georg-August-Universität was free of censorship.

  6. Die Universität Göttingen ist eine international bedeutende Forschungsuniversität mit langer Tradition. 1737 im Zeitalter der Aufklärung gegründet, fühlt sie sich den Werten von Demokratie, Toleranz und Gerechtigkeit sowie der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung von Wissenschaft verpflichtet.

  7. The founding of Göttingen University took place at the instance of the local ruler Elector George Augustus of Hanover (who was at the same time the King of Great Britain as George II due to the personal union with Great Britain and Ireland from 1714), after whom the University was named.