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  1. Filippo Melantone è stato un umanista, teologo e astrologo tedesco, amico personale di Martin Lutero e uno dei maggiori protagonisti della Riforma protestante. È inoltre noto per aver contribuito, in pieno rinascimento europeo, a porre le fondamenta della moderna psicologia.

  2. Philip Melanchthon (born Philipp Schwartzerdt; 16 February 1497 – 19 April 1560) was a German Lutheran reformer, collaborator with Martin Luther, the first systematic theologian of the Protestant Reformation, an intellectual leader of the Lutheran Reformation, and influential designer of educational systems.

  3. Philipp Melanchthon, German author of the Augsburg Confession of the Lutheran church (1530), humanist, reformer, theologian, and educator. He was a friend of Martin Luther and defended his views. He also played an important role in reforming public schools in Germany.

  4. Il celebre umanista ed ebraista sorvegliò così l'educazione del giovinetto, che si veniva formando sotto la direzione di Georg Simler: e gli foggiò, traducendo in greco il cognome, quel nome umanistico (Melanchthon, dal 1531 semplificato in Melanthon) sotto il quale è celebre.

  5. Melantone, Filippo. (ted. Philipp Melanchthon, forma grecizzata di Schwartzerdt «nera terra»: gr; μέλαιυα χϑών) Umanista e teologo (Bretten, od. Land Baden-Württemberg, 1497 - Wittenberg, od. Land Sassonia-Anhalt, 1560).

  6. 21 dic 2021 · Philip Melanchthon (l. 1497-1560) was a German scholar and theologian who provided the intellectual rationale and systematized theology for the reformed vision of Christianity of his friend Martin Luther...

  7. Philipp Melanchthon, orig. Philipp Schwartzerd, (born Feb. 15, 1497, Bretten, Palatinate—died April 19, 1560, probably Wittenberg, Saxony), German Protestant reformer. His education in Germany was greatly influenced by humanist learning, and he was named professor of Greek at Wittenberg in 1518.