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Quotazione Eib Tf 10.75% Nv19 Try: rendimento in tempo reale del bond XS1053090665 (ISIN) con scadenza 15.11.2019. Guarda l'ultimo prezzo di oggi: 99,97, chiusura precedente, range prezzo, tasso coupon, data di scadenza, variazione su base annua e altro ancora sulla quotazione Eib Tf 10.75% Nv19 Try. Il rendimento obbligazioni/bond e dei Titoli ...
21 mag 2019 · Investire in bond in lire turche conviene? Ecco quando sarebbero migliori dei titoli in euro e dollari. Si tratta evidentemente di un’emissione sovranazionale e che gode del massimo rating, cioè la...
ISIN: XS1053090665. How do you feel today about XS105309066=MI? Vote to see community's results! Bearish or Bullish. Trade With A Regulated Broker. Indices. Commodities. Bonds. Stocks. US 30 ...
Euro-obbligazioni European Investment Bank (EIB), 10.75% 15nov2019, TRY, informazioni sulla obbligazione: emittente, sondaggi, quotazioni, pagamenti, rating.
Stay on top of current and historical data relating to Eib Tf 10.75% Nv19 Try Bond Yield with our free charts and bond yield resources. The yield on a bond represents the return an investor will receive by holding the bond to maturity, and should be monitored closely as an indicator of the government debt situation.
Issue Information International bonds European Investment Bank (EIB), 10.75% 15nov2019, TRY. Issue, Issuer, Yield, Prices, Payments, Analytical Comments, Ratings
Access historical data for Eib Tf 10.75% Nv19 Try Bond Yield free of charge. The yield on a bond represents the return an investor will receive by holding the bond to maturity.