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22 mar 2005 · Questions en espagnol ou en français sur le sens et la traduction d'une langue à l'autre de mots, expressions ou tournures contextualisés . Aucune autre langue autorisée. Preguntas en español o francés sobre el sentido y la traducción de una lengua a otra de palabras, frases o modismos...
Italian or English words, phrases, expressions. English and Italian language allowed. Parole, frasi, espressioni in italiano e inglese. Lingue ammesse: italiano e inglese.
French and English words, phrases and idioms: meaning, translation, usage. Mots, expressions et tournures idiomatiques françaises et anglaises : signification ...
If you have any general comments, questions or concerns about the forums, first search this forum to see if it has been asked before. If you don't find an answer, ask for it here. Threads. 4.7K. Messages. 43.4K. Courtesy forms between forum users. Yesterday at 4:04 PM. velisarius.
Palabras, frases y modismos. Words, phrases and idioms.
21 dic 2009 · Dec 21, 2009. #5. Bigote Blanco said: The difference between the two is subtle. I would interpret the difference as follows: seems like -- indicates a possibillity of something. seem that --- indicates a more factual situation. In BE, the difference isn't very subtle. It seems like you decided is incorrect, and it seems that you decided is fine.
9 apr 2011 · Si tratta dell'uso di una (presunta) forma di cortesia a chiusura di lettere, e-mail, ecc. Nella fattispecie: "Looking forward for your kind response". "In attesa di un Vostro cortese riscontro". Io ho sempre utilizzato queste frasi, sia in italiano che in inglese. L'ho fatto pensando che significassero: "please be so kind to give me an answer".
28 mar 2024 · Search titles and first posts only. Search titles only By:
22 ott 2007 · Sì, ma nel caso di centottanta non si tratta di due parole ma di una sola. Non si può certo scrivere centott'anta. Come centott'anta? casomai dovrebbe essere cent'ottanta. E non capisco, perché non dovrebbe trattarsi di due parole? il numero, definito proprio composto, è formato da cento e da ottanta, quindi due parole.
28 giu 2007 · In other words, whether people have not finished high school, finished high school, finished college (laurea) or finished a master's degree ... all have the title of Mr. or Ms./Mrs./Miss. The title changes to Dr. when someone has one of the advanced degrees as referenced above (often M.D. or Ph.D.).