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  1. Ælfgifu di Northampton (990 circa – dopo il 1040) è stata una nobildonna anglosassone che divenne la prima moglie di re Canuto d'Inghilterra e Danimarca, nonché madre di re Aroldo I d'Inghilterra (1035-1040); fu reggente di Norvegia dal 1030 al 1035.

  2. Ælfgifu of Northampton (c. 990 – after 1036) was the first wife of Cnut the Great, King of England and Denmark, and mother of Harold Harefoot, King of England. She was regent of Norway from 1030 to 1035.

  3. Valeria Di Clemente, Ælfgifu di Northampton in alcune voci dell’XI secolo, in Silenzi e inclusioni: donne tra Oriente e Occidente (secoli XI-XXI), a cura di Rossella Liuzzo e Daria Motta, Lugano, 2020 (in stampa).

  4. Elfgifu was born into a noble Saxon family of Northamptonshire during a period of great upheaval in English history. Her parents were supporters of King Olaf Haraldson the Stout of Norway, who had invaded England with an army to try to win its crown.

  5. 23 giu 2021 · -Aelfgifu of Northampton was the daughter of a Northumbrian earl who had, at one time, been a trusted friend and adviser to the terrible, terrible English king. Then, because the king was terrible, he stripped the earl of his titles and land, had him killed on trumped up charges, and had two of his sons blinded.

  6. 24 feb 2023 · Ælfgifu of Northampton was a noblewoman and the first wife of Cnut the Great. She was the mother of Harold Harefoot and co-regent of Norway from 1030 to 1035. Ælfgifu was born into a family based in the Midlands and was the daughter of Ælfhelm, Ealdorman of York, who was killed in 1006.

  7. 28 apr 2023 · Ælfgifu of Northampton was born into a noble family based in the Midlands (Mercia), who came under suspicion during the invasion of England by Forkbeard. To seal their loyalty, Forkbeard married Canute to Ælfgifu, and they had two sons: Sweyn Knutsson and Harold Harefoot.