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  1. George Daniel Mostow (4 luglio 1923 – 4 aprile 2017 [1]) è stato un matematico statunitense, conosciuto per i suoi contributi alla teoria dei gruppi di Lie. Nel 1993 gli è stato assegnato il premio Steele per il contributo nei seminari e nella ricerca, e nel 2013 gli è stato conferito il premio Wolf per la matematica .

  2. George Daniel Mostow (July 4, 1923 – April 4, 2017) was an American mathematician, renowned for his contributions to Lie theory.

  3. › it › George_Daniel_MostowGeorge Mostow - Wikiwand

    George Daniel Mostow è stato un matematico statunitense, conosciuto per i suoi contributi alla teoria dei gruppi di Lie. Nel 1993 gli è stato assegnato il premio Steele per il contributo nei seminari e nella ricerca, e nel 2013 gli è stato conferito il premio Wolf per la matematica.

  4. Professor Mostow is well known for his groundbreaking work in Lie groups and geometry, most notably his famous Strong Rigidity Theorem. He came to Yale in 1961 and retired in 1998, after a distinguished career of research, teaching and service that included chairing the department from 1971 to 1974.

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    Mostow studierte an der Harvard University, wo er 1948 bei Garrett Birkhoff promoviert wurde (The Extensibility of Local Lie Groups of Transformations and Groups on Surfaces). Ab 1952 war er an der Johns Hopkins University und ab 1961 Professor an der Yale University, wo er 1999 emeritierte. 1957 war Mostow Guggenheim Fellow. 1970 war er Invited Sp...

    Er entdeckte und untersuchte Starrheitseigenschaften von kokompakten Gittern in halbeinfachen Lie-Gruppen (ohne kompakte Faktorgruppen und Zentrum), das heißt diskreten Untergruppen von halbeinfachen Liegruppen, so dass die Quotientenräume der Lie-Gruppe modulo der diskreten Untergruppe kompakt sind. Sein Starrheitssatz von 1972 besagt, dass Isomor...

    mit Pierre Deligne: Commensurabilities among lattices in P U ( 1 , n ) {\displaystyle PU(1,n)} .Annals of Mathematical Studies, Princeton University Press 1993.
    mit Deligne: Monodromy of hypergeometric functions and nonlattice integral monodromy.Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 63 (1986), 5–89.
    Generalized Picard lattices arising from half-integral conditions.Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. No. 63 (1986), 91–106.
    mit Yum-Tong Siu: A compact Kähler surface of negative curvature not covered by the ball.Ann. of Math. (2) 112 (1980), no. 2, 321–360.

    Roger Howe (Hrsg.): Discrete groups in geometry and analysis – Papers in Honor of G.D.Mostow on his 60. Birthday.(Konferenz Yale-Universität 1986), Birkhäuser

    Mostow: A brief survey of symmetry in mathematics.1993
    Enlightenment at a red traffic light: Wolf Prize laureate Prof. George Daniel Mostow made his greatest scientific breakthrough while driving. Biographischer Artikel in Haaretz
    John J. O’Connor, Edmund F. Robertson: George Mostow. In: MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
    In Memoriam: George Daniel Mostow 1923-2017. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) In: Yale University. Archiviert vom Original am 22. April 2017;abgerufen am 23. April 2017 (englisch). Info: Der Archiv...
    Spezialfall des Starrheitssatzes für Gitter für S O ( n , 1 ) {\displaystyle SO(n,1)} , mit quasikonformen Abbildungen im n {\displaystyle n} -dimensionalen Raum bewiesen. Von Mostow für kompakte...
    in zwei Dimensionen (kompakte Riemannflächen) gilt er nicht. Es gibt dort jeweils eine Vielzahl hyperbolischer Strukturen, parametrisiert durch die Teichmüllerräume
  5. 25 gen 2013 · Here Mostow, an emeritus professor since 1998, talks about the English teacher who led him to a life in math, the pleasure of family, high-definition opera, and the Nth dimension — as well as the “eureka!” moment at a New Haven stoplight that secured him a place in the history of geometry.

  6. George Daniel Mostow. President 1987–1988. Ph.D. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1948. Mostow's principal academic appointments have been at Johns Hopkins University from 1952-1961 and at Yale University since 1961.