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  1. In questo post vi racconteremo quali siano state le principali intenzioni programmatiche che hanno indirizzato il progetto esecutivo della High Line. Approfondiremo quali siano state le scelte tecniche e costruttive intraprese per realizzare un ecosistema ibrido capace di operare con una manutenzione minima (ma altamente specializzata).

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  2. Un vero e proprio cambiamento dal basso che il libro di Matteo Zambelli, Henrique Pessoa Alves La High Line di New York. Un parco nel cielo (Mimesis, 2012) descrive con chiarezza mettendo l’accento sul significato sociale di questa riconquista della spazio pubblico.

    • 1999
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    • 2010

    Robert Hammond and Joshua David meet at a community board meeting on a sweltering night in mid-August. The future Co-Founders of Friends of the High Line listen to argument after passionate argument in favor of demolishing the High Line. “I stayed behind afterward, trying to find anyone else who was interested in saving the High Line,” recalls Robe...

    A captivated Joel Sternfeld agrees to photograph the High Line after visiting the structure with Joshua and Robert. Over the course of a year, Sternfeld produces a beautiful, haunting collection of images that would become important tools for the fledgling organization. Only later did the Co-Founders discover that Joel was famous, and realize that ...

    Friends of the High Line sues the City of New York under then-Mayor Giuliani’s administration to stop demolition of the High Line. Just days before leaving office, Giuliani signs the demolition papers – a major blow for the Friends.

    Mayor Bloomberg assumes office, and Friends of the High Line works to gain the new administration’s support. As part of this push, the organization commissions an economic feasibility study; it determines that the new tax revenues will exceed costs of construction. And in March, Friends of the High Line prevails in its lawsuit against the City. As ...

    With no money, no rights to the structure, and still no guarantee that the High Line was safe from demolition, Friends of the High Line initiates the Ideas Competition. “The competition would be just for ideas – and the ideas didn’t have to be realistic, or fundable, or buildable,” says Robert. Without these constraints, participants would have a g...

    The search begins for a design team able to harness the creative spirit exhibited in the Ideas Competition and channel it toward something buildable and maintainable. “How do you find the balance between preserving the magic that is up there and creating something new?” wondered Robert. Friends of the High Line and the City of New York carefully co...

    In the spring of 2005, the Museum of Modern Art presented The High Line, an exhibition featuring designs renderings and a 20-foot model by James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio + Renfro, as well as Joel Sternfeld’s photographs. The MoMA exhibition introduced the High Line to a much wider audience. And it helped to ground the dream of th...

    Construction crews break ground for Section 1 – running from Gansevoort Street to 20th Street – and 2 – running from 20th Street to 30th Street – of the High Line. In April, Friends of the High Line holds a groundbreaking ceremony. Hundreds of supporters gathered on the High Line, and thousands more at street level. “The crowd’s happiness for us an...

    On June 8, section 1 of the High Line opens to visitors. The occasion is marked with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. “And then, snip, after all those speeches and all those years of work, it was over,” recalls Josh. Although the event hadn’t been publicized, there was a rush of people to the park, excited to be among the first visitors. More than four m...

    Construction on Section 2 continues at a rapid pace. Trees bound for the Chelsea Thicket arrive in August. In October, the 26th Street Viewing Spur’s steel frame is installed. By December, crews finish rolling out sodon the 23rd Street Lawn.

  3. 27 mar 2015 · La High Line fu costruita negli anni Trenta per decongestionare le strade di New York e impedire che finissero sommerse dagli escrementi dei cavalli. Poi, dopo meno di trent’anni, finì in disuso...

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  4. 12 ago 2021 · Fare una passeggiata sulla High Line – bisogna avere una prenotazione online per accedere, siamo nell’era pandemica, dopo tutto – significa immergersi in circa 100.000 tra piante, alberi e arbusti, e intraprendere un viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie dell’architettura ultra-lusso.

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  5. 17 giu 2024 · The High Line in New York City is an iconic example of urban revitalization, transforming an abandoned industrial rail line into a vibrant landscaped public park. This elevated garden stretches from Gansevoort Street to 34th Street and has become a cultural and recreational hub.

  6. History. Believe it or not, the High Line was once destined for demolition. Luckily, the community rallied together to repurpose it instead, creating the park you see today, for everyone to enjoy. It has since become a global inspiration for cities to transform unused industrial zones into dynamic public spaces. Mid-1800s.