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  1. Otto Ferdinand Graf von Abensberg und Traun ( Ödenburg, 27 agosto 1677 – Hermannstadt, 18 febbraio 1748) è stato un militare austriaco, giunto al rango di feldmaresciallo . Stemma degli Abensberg und Traun.

  2. Otto Ferdinand Graf von Abensperg und Traun (or sometimes Otto Ferdinand von Abensperg und Traun), (27 August 1677 – 18 February 1748) was an Austrian Generalfeldmarschall. The current spelling of the name, and the spelling used in his time, is mostly Abensperg .

  3. Otto Ferdinand, count von Abensperg und Traun was an Austrian field marshal who was one of the ablest military commanders in the wars of the Polish (1733–38) and Austrian Successions (1740–48). Traun was a member of a Protestant noble family, but he converted to Catholicism and entered the Austrian.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Die bekannteste Persönlichkeit des Hauses ist wohl Feldmarschall Otto Ferdinand Graf von Abensperg und Traun (1677–1748), der 1696 in kaiserliche Kriegsdienste trat, 1712 ein eigenes Regiment erhielt, 1735 zum Feldzeugmeister und 1740 zum Feldmarschall befördert wurde.

  5. Traun, Otto Ferdinando conte di Enciclopedia on line Generale austriaco (Ödenburg 1677 - Hermannstadt 1748); partecipò alla guerra di successione di Spagna; fu poi governatore di Messina (1727), comandante delle truppe austriache nell'Italia merid.

  6. The House of Abensberg und Traun (now usually written Abensperg-Traun) is the name of an ancient Austrian noble family, originally from the Upper Austrian Traungau. It is considered one of the oldest extant aristocratic families in Central Europe.

  7. Dates of Life 1677 – 1748 Place of birth Sopron Place of death Hermannstadt Occupation österreichischer Feldmarschall; Graf; Politiker; Rat; Feldmarschall Religious Denomination