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  1. 7 ore fa · Firma. Carlo V d'Asburgo ( Gand, 24 febbraio 1500 – Cuacos de Yuste, 21 settembre 1558) è stato imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero Germanico e arciduca d'Austria dal 1519, re di Spagna ( Castiglia e Aragona) dal 1516 e principe sovrano dei Paesi Bassi come duca di Borgogna dal 1506 [6] . A capo della Casa d'Asburgo durante la prima metà del ...

  2. 1 giorno fa · 1512–1548 Queen of England: Madeleine French princess of Valois 1520–1537 Queen of Scotland: James V 1512–1542 King of Scotland: Mary of Guise 1515–1560 Queen of Scotland: Margaret Douglas Countess of Lennox 1515–1578: Matthew Stewart 1516–1571 4th Earl of Lennox: Queen Mary I 1516–1558 r. 1553–1558 Queen of England: Philip II ...

  3. 7 ore fa · SWEEPING SCOPE OF THE FULCRUM CROSS METHOD (Update 2024 April 13) The Migrator Model started with the template, a simplistic division of Sacco's orbit - I was looking for evidence of a sector-by-sector and at the time I was unfamiliar with the Where's the Flux paper by Boyajian et. al. (which may have been a blessing in disguise as I would have ...

  4. 7 ore fa · Bettina Bougie (* 1939), Schauspielerin, lebt und arbeitet in München. Nicolaus A. Huber (* 1939), Avantgarde-Komponist, wirkte in München. Giorgio Moroder (* 1940), lebte von 1968 bis 1978 in München, schuf hier in seinen Musicland Studios bedeutende Pionierstücke des Euro Disco und der elektronischen Tanzmusik.

  5. 1 giorno fa · 鷲崎健のヨルナイト×ヨルナイト. 『 鷲崎健のヨルナイト×ヨルナイト 』(わしざきたけしのヨルナイトヨルナイト)は、簡易動画付きの インターネットラジオ番組 。. 2016年 4月5日 から 超!A&G+ ・ ニコニコ生放送 で配信中。.

  6. › wiki › SafevîlerSafevîler - Vikipedi

    1 giorno fa · Özellikle Safevîler’de hassa asker topluluğuna verilen ad. [35] İlk olarak İlhanlılarda, daha sonra Akkoyunlu ve Karakoyunlu devletlerinde kullanılmıştır. [35] Safevilerde ise şah'ın kraliyet muhafızı olarak biliniyorlardı . Korçular teorik olarak Kızılbaş aşiretlerinden askere alındı ve maaşlarını devlet hazinesinden ...

  7. 7 ore fa · 越南歷史 悠久,據 考古 資料顯示, 越南 在 舊石器時期 已有先民活動,在公元前700年左右出現 東山文化 ,較重要的民族有 雒越 人。. 越南 神話 傳說 提到約四千年前出現最早的王朝 鴻龐氏 。. 中國 秦漢 時期接觸並征服北部( 紅河三角洲 )及中部後,越南 ...