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  1. Christian Wolff (less correctly Wolf, German:; also known as Wolfius; ennobled as Christian Freiherr von Wolff in 1745; 24 January 1679 – 9 April 1754) was a German philosopher. Wolff is characterized as one of the most eminent German philosophers between Leibniz and Kant.

  2. Biografia. Wolff fu il più eminente filosofo tedesco nel periodo tra Leibniz e Kant. La sua opera riguarda praticamente ogni aspetto della dottrina filosofica del suo tempo, esposta e spiegata con il suo metodo matematico dimostrativo-deduttivo che probabilmente rappresenta il picco della razionalità illuministica in Germania.

  3. 3 lug 2006 · Christian Wolff (1679–1754) was a philosopher, mathematician, and scientist of the German Enlightenment. He is widely and rightly regarded as the most important and influential German philosopher between Leibniz and Kant.

  4. 3 lug 2006 · Christian Wolff (1679-1754), also known as Christian von Wolfius, was a Rationalist philosopher of the German Enlightenment. His corpus includes over 26 titles, spanning more than 42 quarto volumes, with contributions primarily in the areas of mathematics and philosophy.

  5. SHOW ALL QUESTIONS. Christian Wolff (less correctly Wolf, German: [ vɔlf]; also known as Wolfius; ennobled as Christian Freiherr von Wolff in 1745; 24 January 1679 – 9 April 1754) was a German philosopher. Wolff is characterized as one of the most eminent German philosophers between Leibniz and Kant.

  6. Notes to Christian Wolff. 1. The following biographical sketch is largely informed by the account of Wolff's life given by Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766), found in the abstracted “Life of Baron Wolfius” in the English translation of Wolff's Logic or Rational Thoughts on the Powers Of The Human Understanding With Their Use And Application In The Knowledge And Search Of Truth (London ...

  7. Wolff, Christian nell'Enciclopedia Treccani - Treccani - Treccani. Filosofo (Breslavia 1679 - Halle 1754). Autore di riflessioni sull' etica e la morale, W. più che per le sue dottrine ha avuto importanza per l'esigenza, posta e sostenuta, che la filosofia debba avere utilità pratica e che quindi debba essere chiara e precisa.