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  1. Shinbutsu shūgō (神仏習合?, "sincretismo di kami e buddha"), detto anche shinbutsu konkō (神仏混淆?, "contaminazione di kami e buddha"), è la tendenza, tipica del panorama religioso giapponese, di accomunare gli elementi della religione buddista allo shintoismo, l'antica religione nazionale del Giappone.

  2. Shinbutsu-shūgō (神仏習合, "syncretism of kami and buddhas"), also called Shinbutsu shū (神仏宗, "god buddha school") Shinbutsu-konkō (神仏混淆, "jumbling up" or "contamination of kami and buddhas"), is the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism that was Japan's main organized religion up until the Meiji period.

  3. Il termine giapponese shinbutsu bunri (神仏分離? ) indica la separazione dello Shinto dal Buddismo, introdotta dopo la Restaurazione Meiji che separava i kami scintoisti dai buddha , e anche i templi buddisti dai santuari shintoisti , che erano originariamente amalgamati . È una frase yojijukugo .

  4. In recent years, many historians have come to believe that the syncretism of kami and Buddhas (shinbutsu-shūgō) was just as authentically Japanese. The government was successful in separating the Shinto and Buddhism or Shinto Buddhism hybrid religion in Japan as three completely independent religions.

  5. The term shinbutsu kakuri (神仏隔離, isolation of kami from Buddhism) in Japanese Buddhist terminogy refers to the tendency in medieval and early modern Japan to keep some kami separate from Buddhism. [1] While some kami were integrated in Buddhism, others (or at times even the same kami in a different context) were kept ...

  6. Shinbutsu shūgō, detto anche shinbutsu konkō, è la tendenza, tipica del panorama religioso giapponese, di accomunare gli elementi della religione buddista allo shintoismo, l'antica religione nazionale del Giappone.

  7. Shinbutsu shūgō, in Japan, amalgamation of Buddhism with the indigenous religion Shintō. The precedents for this amalgamation were laid down almost as soon as Buddhism entered Japan in the mid-6th century, and the process of blending Buddhism with Shintō has dominated the religious life of the.