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  1. Arms of the Counts of Faber-Castell. The House of Faber-Castell, originating from Stein near Nuremberg, Germany, is the name of an entrepreneurial noble family, morganatic branch of the House of Castell-Rüdenhausen, which founded the Faber-Castell AG in 1761 and the Nürnberger Versicherung in 1884. [1]

    • Faber-Castell

      Faber-Castell was founded in 1761 in Stein, Germany, by...

  2. Faber-Castell AG è un'azienda tedesca, che ha rivenditori in oltre cento Paesi. Il Gruppo Faber-Castell impiega uno staff di circa 8.000 e opera in più di 120 paesi. Produce ogni tipo di materiale di cancelleria . Indice. 1 Storia. 2 Prodotti. 3 Voci correlate. 4 Altri progetti. 5 Collegamenti esterni. Storia.

  3. Das Adelsgeschlecht Faber-Castell ist eine Linie des fränkischen Adelsgeschlechts Castell. Mütterlicherseits geht sie auf die aus Stein bei Nürnberg, Deutschland, stammende Unternehmer- und Industriellenfamilie Faber zurück, die unter anderem seit dem 16. Jahrhundert in Mittelfranken unternehmerisch tätig ist.

  4. Caroline Gotzens (born August 20, 1961 in Stein near Nuremberg as Caroline Elisabeth Renate Ottilie Gräfin von Faber-Castell (Countess of Faber-Castell) is an aristocratic German-Swiss industrial heiress. She is a family member of the Cologne-based banking dynasty Oppenheim, as well as of the Frankish pencil dynasty Faber-Castell.