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  1. Konstantin Vladov Muraviev (in bulgaro Константин Владов Муравиев?; Pazardžik, 5 marzo 1893 – Sofia, 31 gennaio 1965) è stato un politico bulgaro e primo ministro del regno di Bulgaria durante la seconda guerra mondiale.

  2. Konstantin Vladov Muraviev (Bulgarian: Константин Владов Муравиев; 5 March 1893 – 31 January 1965) was a leading member of the Agrarian People's Union who briefly served as Prime Minister of Bulgaria near the end of Bulgaria's involvement in the Second World War on the side of Germany.

  3. Fu quindi formato il 2 settembre 1944 un governo dell'Unione Nazionale Agraria Bulgara (UANB) "Vrabča 1", fino ad allora all'opposizione, guidato da Konstantin Muraviev. I negoziati di pace continuarono, dichiarando il proprio sostegno verso nuove riforme democratiche ed ordinando il ritiro delle truppe dell'esercito tedesco dalla Bulgaria.

  4. A government of the Bulgarian Agrarian National Union (BANU) "Vrabcha 1", until then in opposition, was formed on 2 September 1944, headed by Konstantin Muraviev. It continued the peace talks, declared its support for democratic reforms and ordered the withdrawal of German Army troops from Bulgaria.

    • 9 September 1944
    • Fatherland Front victory
    • Kingdom of Bulgaria
  5. ww2dbase Konstantin Vladov Muraviev (Константин Владов Муравиев) was a leading member of the Agrarian People's Union who became the Prime Minister of Bulgaria near the end of WW2. With a pro-Western agenda, he abolished the anti-Semitic laws set by his predecessor.

  6. Konstantin Vladov Muraviev è stato un politico bulgaro e primo ministro del regno di Bulgaria durante la seconda guerra mondiale.

  7. Konstantin Vladov Muraviev (Bulgarian: Константин Владов Муравиев; 5 March 1893 – 31 January 1965) was a leading member of the Agrarian People's Union who briefly served as Prime Minister of Bulgaria near the end of Bulgaria's involvement in the Second World War on the side of Germany.