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  1. The North German Confederation (German: Norddeutscher Bund ⓘ) was initially a German military alliance established in August 1866 under the leadership of the Kingdom of Prussia, which was transformed in the subsequent year into a confederated state (a de facto federal state) that existed from July 1867 to December 1870.

  2. Unlike the German Confederation, the North German Confederation was in fact a true state. Its territory comprised the parts of the German Confederation north of the river Main, plus Prussia's eastern territories and the Duchy of Schleswig, but excluded Austria and the other southern German states.

  3. La Confederazione Tedesca del Nord o Confederazione Germanica del Nord fu dapprima un'alleanza e confederazione di Stati indipendenti e poi un vero e proprio Stato federale. Fu fondata dopo la guerra austro-prussiana e comprendeva gli stati tedeschi a nord del fiume Meno per un totale di 22 membri e circa 30.000.000 di persone. Essa fu il primo ...

  4. The North German Confederation Treaty (in German Augustbündnis, or Alliance of August) (also called the North German Federation Treaty and the Treaty of 18 August 1866) was the treaty between the Kingdom of Prussia and other northern and central German states that initially created the North German Confederation, which was the forerunner to ...

  5. It commenced on 18 August 1866 with adoption of the North German Confederation Treaty establishing the North German Confederation, initially a military alliance de facto dominated by Prussia which was subsequently deepened through adoption of the North German Constitution.

  6. The North German Confederation (German: Norddeutscher Bund), was first a military alliance of 22 states of northern Germany, and later a federal state. It was preceded by a Zollverein, a customs union that allowed free trade among most German states.

  7. North German Confederation, union of the German states north of the Main River formed in 1867 under Prussian hegemony after Prussia’s victory over Austria in the Seven Weeks’ War (1866). Berlin was its capital, the king of Prussia was its president, and the Prussian chancellor was also its.