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  1. › wiki › Shibuya_keiShibuya kei - Wikipedia

    Lo Shibuya kei (渋谷系?, Shibuya kei, "stile di Shibuya") è un genere musicale nato dalla commistione tra musica elettronica e pop e appartenente alla categoria del J-pop. Il suo nome deriva dall'omonimo quartiere di Tokyo dove si è sviluppato.

  2. › wiki › Shibuya-keiShibuya-kei - Wikipedia

    Shibuya-kei (Japanese: 渋谷系, lit. "Shibuya style") is a microgenre [7] of pop music [1] or a general aesthetic [8] that flourished in Japan in the mid-to-late 1990s. [3] The music genre is distinguished by a "cut-and-paste" approach that was inspired by the kitsch, fusion, and artifice from certain music styles of the past. [9]

  3. 31 mar 2020 · A complete guide to the work of five Japanese artists who capture the style and best represent the influence of Tokyo's 1990s Shibuya-kei music scene.

  4. 20 ago 2024 · Shibuya-kei, or “Shibuya style,” is an offspring musical movement that originated in the Shibuya district of Tokyo during the late 1980s and flourished throughout the 1990s. Born out of a melting pot of genres, Shibuya-kei became a cultural phenomenon that redefined Japanese pop music to this day.

  5. › it › Shibuya_keiShibuya kei - Wikiwand

    Lo Shibuya kei è un genere musicale nato dalla commistione tra musica elettronica e pop e appartenente alla categoria del J-pop. Il suo nome deriva dall'omonimo quartiere di Tokyo dove si è sviluppato.

  6. In its purest form, shibuya-kei is classic Western pop refracted through the looking glass of modern Eastern society -- music cut up, pasted together, and spit out in new and exciting ways.

  7. 6 nov 2014 · Self-consciously trendy in the extreme, these bold and brightly fashioned kids were the ’90s Japanese forerunner of today’s hipster. The largely independent bands and singers these trendsetters favored soon found themselves grouped in a genre known as “Shibuya-kei” – literally translated as Shibuya style.