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  1. Palazzo Muti Papazzurri è un palazzo romano nel rione Trevi, in Piazza della Pilotta 33. Non è da confondere con l'originario Palazzo Muti, col quale poi venne unificato grazie agli interventi dell'architetto Mattia De Rossi.

  2. › wiki › Palazzo_MutiPalazzo Muti - Wikipedia

    Palazzo Muti (noto anche come Palazzo Muti alla Madonna dell'Archetto, Palazzo Stuart o Palazzo Balestra) è un palazzo romano nel rione Trevi. Non è da confondere con Palazzo Muti Papazzurri, con il quale poi venne unificato grazie agli interventi dell'architetto Mattia De Rossi.

  3. › wiki › Palazzo_MutiPalazzo Muti - Wikipedia

    • Architecture
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    The Palazzo Muti stands on a street corner, and is constructed on four floors. The architect was Mattia de Rossi who had been commissioned to build a residence for Giovanni Battista Muti Papazzurri, a member of one of Rome's patrician families. The principal facade, today painted ochre and decorated only by quoining is of just three bays, with the ...

    Muti Papazzurri family

    The Muti Papazzurri are documented in Rome from 1435 when the will of Giovanni Paolo Muti mentions a casa complete with a tower on the site, and a painting from the early 17th century shows an older family house, with a large roof terrace, on the site of the present palazzo. In addition to their palazzi in Rome the family also owned a villa in the Province of Viterbo The Muti Papazurri became extinct with the death of Raffaele Muti Papazurri in 1816. The palazzo then passed through female des...

    Stuart occupancy

    The Muti Papazzurri complex of residences was rented in its entirety at the expense of the Pope through the Apostolic Camera from the Marchese Giovanni Battista Muti and his widowed mother the Marchesa Alessandra Millini Muti in 1719 for James Stuart (the "Old Pretender"), and Maria Klementyna Sobieska as their Roman residence. The Popes Clement XI and Innocent XIII considered the couple to be the rightful and, more importantly, Catholic King and Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. The co...

    The various names given to the Palazzo can be confusing, especially as the Muti Papazzurri family built other residences bearing their name in Rome. The Palazzo is most often referred to by Romans simply as the Palazzo Muti or the Palazzo Balestra, the Balestra being a family who lived in the palazzo for a time. The Balestra had their name carved o...

  4. Palazzo Muti Papazzurri is a Baroque palazzo in Rome, Italy. It was built in 1660 by the architect Mattia de' Rossi, a pupil of Gian Lorenzo Bernini . It is thought it was constructed for the newly married Pompeo Muti Papazzurri and Maria Isabella Massimo.

  5. Palazzo Muti Papazzurri. The palace was built in 1660 by De Rossi, a pupil of Bernini, probably on the occasion of the marriage of Pompeo Muti Papazzurri to Maria Isabella Massimo. The gallery was frescoed by Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi (1606-1680).

  6. Realizzato nel ‘600 da Mattia de' Rossi, allievo del Bernini, il palazzo conserva al proprio interno una straordinaria Galleria affrescata.

  7. Muti Papazzurri. 1643 - 1816, Con l'estinsione del casato, il palazzo passa in proprietà del marchese Livio Savorelli, discendente per via femminile. Stuart. 1719 - 1766, Il palazzo viene affittato dalla camera apostolica per ospitare il re d'Inghilterra Giacomo III Stuart in esilio a Roma.