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  1. › wiki › CrossbencherCrossbencher - Wikipedia

    Un crossbencher è un membro di partito indipendente o minore di alcune legislature, come la Camera dei Lord britannica e il Parlamento australiano. I crossbencher prendono il nome dai banchi posti trasversalmente, in mezzo e perpendicolarmente ai banchi del governo e dell'opposizione, dove essi siedono.

  2. › wiki › CrossbencherCrossbencher - Wikipedia

    A crossbencher is a minor party (or independent) member of some legislatures, such as the British House of Lords and the Parliament of Australia. They take their name from the crossbenches, between and perpendicular to the government and opposition benches, where crossbenchers sit in the chamber.

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  3. Crossbencher (englisch für Querbänkler) sind unabhängige Mitglieder oder kleinere Gruppen in einigen Parlamenten wie dem britischen House of Lords und dem australischen Parlament. Sie haben ihren Namen von den querstehenden Sitzbänken , die rechtwinklig zwischen den Bankreihen der Regierung und der Opposition angeordnet sind, auf denen sie ...

  4. Un crossbencher, littéralement « celui [qui occupe] les bancs de travers », est un membre indépendant ou d'une minorité politique dans certaines assemblées législatives anglo-saxonnes telles que la Chambre des lords britannique et le Parlement australien.

  5. › wiki › BackbencherBackbencher - Wikipedia

    In Westminster and other parliamentary systems, a backbencher is a member of parliament (MP) or a legislator who occupies no governmental office and is not a frontbench spokesperson in the Opposition, being instead simply a member of the "rank and file". The term dates from 1855. [1]

  6. Most non-party Lords Temporal are crossbenchers. Peers may also be required to sit as non-affiliated while they hold certain senior positions within the Lords (e.g. the senior deputy speaker ), as a means to preserve the neutrality of their official roles.

  7. 28 peers to be elected by the Crossbencher hereditary peers; 15 peers to be elected by the whole House; The holders of the offices of Earl Marshal (the Duke of Norfolk) and Lord Great Chamberlain (currently the Baron Carrington, who was already elected as a Crossbench peer) to be ex officio members