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  1. The Herrerian style (Spanish: estilo herreriano or arquitectura herreriana) of architecture was developed in Spain during the last third of the 16th century under the reign of Philip II (1556–1598), and continued in force in the 17th century, but transformed by the Baroque style of the time.

  2. Lo stile herreriano, detto anche manierismo classicista si sviluppò in Spagna durante la terza parte del XVI secolo sotto il regno di Filippo II, e continuò nel XVII secolo, ma venne progressivamente assorbito dallo stile barocco dell'epoca. Corrisponde alla terza e ultima fase dell'architettura rinascimentale spagnola che si è ...

  3. The Herrerian features are present externally, especially in its main façade and in its tower, crowned by the characteristic spire. Its interior, however, maintains the original Gothic style. It is worth mentioning its ribbed vault.

  4. The main keys of his design are the impressive horizontal unified composition and the use of bare granite, omitting the classical orders for large surfaces. This style introduced in the monastery influenced Spanish architecture for over a century, becoming known as the Herrerian style.

  5. Juan de Herrera (Movellán, 1530- Madrid, 1597) In the years as Carlos V's guard he trained in architecture, but also in geometry, mathematics, astronomy and even alchemy, materials that would serve to design ingenuities and tools applied to construction.

  6. The Herrerian style ( Spanish: estilo herreriano or arquitectura herreriana) of architecture was developed in Spain during the last third of the 16th century under the reign of Philip II (1556–1598), and continued in force in the 17th century, but transformed by the Baroque style of the time.

  7. Lo stile herreriano è uno stile architettonico che si sviluppò in Spagna a partire dalla metà del XVI secolo, in concomitanza con la costruzione della reggia-monastero di El Escorial (foto) voluta da Filippo II.