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  1. Richard Earl Mourdock (born October 8, 1951) is an American politician who served as treasurer of the state of Indiana from 2007 to 2014. Running with the support of the Tea Party movement, he defeated six-term incumbent U.S. Senator Richard Lugar in the May 2012 Republican primary election for U.S. Senate.

  2. 24 ott 2012 · La frase anti abortista di Richard Mourdock mette in difficoltà anche il candidato repubblicano alla Casa Bianca Mitt Romney.

  3. 24 ott 2012 · Intervenendo a un dibattito in Senato, Mourdock ha detto di credere che la vita abbia inizio con il concepimento, dichiarandosi quindi contrario all'aborto, ad eccezione dei casi in cui la vita della mamma risulti in pericolo.

  4. 7 nov 2012 · Il repubblicano ultraconservatore Richard Mourdock © Ap/Lapresse. Due candidati repubblicani ultraconservatori devono la perdita del seggio al Senato americano alle loro frasi shock su stupro e aborto.

  5. “The only exception I have for, to have an abortion, is in that case of the life of a mother,” Richard Mourdock, the Republican Party’s nominee for Indiana’s Senate seat, said in a debate on...

  6. 24 ott 2012 · In a Tuesday night debate with his Democratic rival and a Libertarian candidate for one of Indiana's U.S. Senate seats, Republican candidate Richard Mourdock suggested that pregnancies resulting...

  7. 24 ott 2012 · Republican US Senate hopeful Richard Mourdock has expressed regret a day after suggesting pregnancies caused by rape were God's plan.