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  1. Dominus illuminatio mea (Latin for 'The Lord is my light') is the incipit (opening words) of Psalm 27 and is used by the University of Oxford as its motto. It has been in use there since at least the second half of the sixteenth century, and it appears in the coat of arms of the university.

  2. Dominus illuminatio mea è una frase latina che significa «Il Signore è la mia luce». Sono le prime parole latine del Salmo 27 (26) di Davide:

  3. 15 dic 2010 · Dominus Illuminatio Mea is usually translated as 'the Lord is my light'. The words are the opening words to Psalm 27. This motto accompanies the current University's device, which was designed in 1993.

  4. The coat of arms of the University of Oxford depicts an open book with the inscription Dominus Illuminatio Mea (Latin for 'The Lord is my light'), surrounded by three golden crowns. It is blazoned:

  5. According to Wikipedia, it is translated as "The Lord is my light". Before reading this article, I thought this meant "Lord illuminate me", perhaps in imperative mode.

  6. It means ’The Lord is my Light’: 'The Lord is my light, and my salvation; whom then shall I fear: The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom then shall I be afraid?'

  7. › wiki › Salmo_27Salmo 27 - Wikipedia

    Lo stemma dell'università di Oxford, col motto latino Dominus illuminatio mea, tratto dal primo versetto del salmo. Il salmo 27 (26 secondo la numerazione greca) costituisce il ventisettesimo capitolo del Libro dei salmi. È tradizionalmente attribuito al re Davide. È utilizzato dalla Chiesa cattolica nella liturgia delle ore.