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  1. 1 giorno fa · 1514: Paulus Diaconus, Historia Langobardorum: Jodocus Badius Ascensius: Paris: An independent edition of higher quality was made the following year in Augsburg by Konrad Peutinger. A third edition was made in Basel in 1532 by Sigismund Gelenius as part of his edition of Eutropius. 1515: Jordanes: Johann Miller Augsburg

  2. 1 giorno fa · Martin Luther. Martin Luther (* 10. November 1483 in Eisleben, Grafschaft Mansfeld; † 18. Februar 1546 ebenda) war ein deutscher Augustinereremit und Theologieprofessor, der zum Urheber der Reformation wurde. Er sah in Gottes Gnadenzusage und der Rechtfertigung durch Jesus Christus die alleinige Grundlage des christlichen Glaubens.

  3. 1 ora fa · 恒生指數. 恒生指數 (英語: Hang Seng Index ,縮寫: HSI ,簡稱: 恒指 )是用以反映 香港股市 行情的重要指標,指數由82隻恒指成份股的市值計算出來的,代表了 香港交易所 所有 上市公司 的十二個月平均市值涵蓋率的63%。. 恒生指數成份股,即是香港的 藍籌 ...

  4. 【コストコ クレジットカードでお得】【せどり/物販】安く仕入れて利益が爆上がりの秘訣を特別公開

  5. 1 giorno fa · infernal machines. Oct 11, 2012. we monitor many frequencies. we listen always. came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. it played us a mighty dub. for anyone playing the home game, we were pointing out the purely fanciful range numbers five to six years ago too.

  6. 1 giorno fa · 寝起きに食べるだけでHbA1c12%→6%‼糖尿病を86%も自力で治す?最強の朝ごはんTOP5と絶対に食べてはいけない食べ物と超危険!